Rubygem for the Burst SMS API. Sends SMS to Australian mobiles
For use with a account.
gem install 'burstsms'
or add the following line to Gemfile:
gem 'burstsms'
and run bundle
from your shell.
Create an authenticated instance
@burstsms ='api_key', 'secret')
Send a SMS - messages.multiple
@burstsms.send_message('caller_id', 'recipients', 'message')
Response attributes :result :total_recipients :total_recipients_queued :message_id :contact_list_addition
Can be a Number upto 15 digits or a alpha-numeric string upto 11 characters.
A single mobile number or an array of mobile numbers for multiple recipients.
String containing sms message to send.
Set specific time to send message.
Add recipients to an existing contact list in your account.
__NOTE:__The gem handles conversion of mobile numbers to the format required by the API. Also duplicate and invalid numbers will be deleted from the array.
example: you can pass in an array of numbers like ['+61 414 899 766', '0403 855 555', '0403-855-445']
and it will be converted to ['61414899766', '61403855555', '61403855445']
Responses from the API are converted into ruby objects with attributes you can access.
Available attributes for each method are listed in their description below.
Every method will return a error
attribute if something goes wrong
Send a SMS to an existing list - messages.add
@burstsms.add_message('caller_id', 'list_id', 'message')
#returns :total :time :result :message_id :list_id :message :cost :balance :charge_error
Retrieve history of sent messages - messages.get
@burstsms.get_messages() #takes optional arguments offset and limit(default is 50)
#returns :total :time :messages
#messages return :id :list_id :mobile_from :message :datetime_send :datetime_actioned :recipient_count :status :schedule
Retrieve responses from a message - messages.responses
@burstsms.message_responses('message_id') #takes optional arguments offset and limit(default is 50)
#returns :total :time :replies
#replies return :firstname :lastname :mobile :message :datetime_entry_orig
Retrieve Contact Lists - contact-lists.get
@burstsms.get_lists() #takes optional arguments offset and limit(default is 50)
#returns :total :time :lists
#lists return :id :name :recipient_count
Add Contact List - contact-lists.add
@burstsms.add_list('name of new list')
#returns :total :time :name :list_id :recipient_count
Delete Contact List - contact-lists.delete
#returns :total :time :response
Retrieve Contact List Recipients - contact-lists.get-recipients
@burstsms.get_list_recipients('list_id') #takes optional arguments offset and limit(default is 50)
#returns :total :time :recipients
#recipients return :firstname :lastname :mobile :datetime_entry :dest_country :bounce_count
Retrieve Contact List Unsubscribed - contact-lists.get-unsubscribed
@burstsms.get_list_unsubscribed('list_id') #takes optional arguments offset and limit(default is 50)
#returns :total :time :recipients
#recipients return :firstname :lastname :mobile :datetime_entry :dest_country :bounce_count
Add Contact List Recipient - contact-lists.add-recipient
@burstsms.add_list_recipient("list_id", "mobile_number", :firstname => 'Bob', :lastname => 'Smith') #name fields optional
#returns :total :time :result :list_id
#refer to Burst Sms docs for possible result values
Delete Contact List Recipient - contact-lists.delete-recipient
@burstsms.delete_list_recipient("list_id", "mobile_number")
#returns :total :time :result
#refer to Burst Sms docs for possible result values
The burstsms
gem uses:
- UnhappyMapper and Nokogiri to handle the XML ugliness.
- HTTParty for the HTTP interaction with the API.
- Complete 'contact-lists.add-multiple-recipients'
- Add reseller API functions.
Copyright © 2012 Made in Data Pty Ltd and David Barlow @madeindata. Refer to terms in LICENCE file.