This plugin is for simulating Scorpio robot in Gazebo with PnC controller. The package was tested on ROS Kinetic Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Gazebo 9.
Make sure Git Lfs is installed for large file meshes.
$ cd 'your catkin workspace src' && git clone --recurse
Make sure PnC Package is installed. Clone the repo and checkout to Gazebo_Scorpio branch
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake..
$ make -j
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../Addition/DataManager && mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
$ make -j
$ sudo make install
In order to use the gazebo launch file, you have to expand the gazebo's model path
Add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:
$ export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/${catkin_ws}/src/:$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH
$ export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=~/${catkin_ws}/devel/lib:$GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH
After compiling plugin package, Scorpio can be simulated in Gazebo via:
$ roslaunch gazebo_scorpio_plugin gazebo_scorpio.launch