Tiny package that uses 10MinuteMail to generate temporary email addresses. Supports receiving, forwarding and replying to messages.
This library depends on the uTLS package, a fork of crypto/tls
that supports custom TLS ClientHello specifications.
Try the example program and get a mail proxy running in seconds:
$ go install github.com/shellhazard/tmm/cmd/mailwatch
$ mailwatch [email protected]
Your address is: [email protected]
Waiting for new messages.
Or get stuck in:
go get github.com/shellhazard/tmm
Short example for a common use case:
// Create a new session
s, err := tmm.New()
if err != nil {
// Get the email string
addr := s.Address()
// <register a new account with a service etc. here>
// Wait for verification email to come through
var received tmm.Message
tk := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
for range tk.C {
mail, err := s.Latest()
if err != nil {
for _, m := range mail {
if m.Sender == "[email protected]" {
// We've got our email!
received = m
body := received.Plaintext
// <parse body, click any links etc.>