A tool for doing bulk Whois and GeoIP lookups. Includes looking up specific data center locations for AWS and applications for Microsoft
As pentesters we continue to see our client's external scopes chging as they move more systems to the "cloud". Unfortunately, they often forget to include systems they're hosting in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc. This makes scoping, discovery, and enumeration more important than ever. Domain enumeration, subdomain enumeration, and passive DNS sources can uncover dozens if not hundreds of systems. Once we know their IP addresses (resolved from FQDN), we need a quick way to see who owns them and where they are located. Whodat.py was written to automate this process by reading in a bulk list of IP addresses and outputting a csv containing their Whois and GeoIP information.
_ _ ___
| | | | _ / _ \
_ _ _| |__ ___ __| |_____ _| |(_( ) )
| | | | _ \ / _ \ / _ (____ (_ _) (_/
| | | | | | | |_| ( (_| / ___ | | |_ _
\___/|_| |_|\___/ \____\_____| \__) (_)
python3 whodat.py <sourceIPfile>
python3 whodat.py <sourceIPfile> <outputFile>
python3 whodat.py -h | --help
python3 whoday.py sourceiplist.txt
python3 whoday.py sourceiplist.txt output.csv
python3 whoday.py sourceiplist.txt \\home\\user\\output.csv
<sourceIPfile> Required -text file containing 1 IPv4 IP address per line
<outputFile> Optional -stores to output.csv by default
-h, --help show this screen
pip install readchar
If using for commercial use or where rate limiting gets in the way, we recommend using
an inexpensive API key from ip-api.com for "Professional" use.
*** If using ip-api for GeoIP, you must paste your API key into the 'key' variable on line 57
*** Microsoft may block the guid below, but a new guid can be generated for free through their website
If local copies of ip-ranges.json (AWS IP ranges) and worldwide.json (MS 365 IP ranges)
do not exist in the current execution path, they will be downloaded and loaded from the
following urls: