Releases: shipwright-io/cli
Release changes since v0.13.0
#274 by apoorvajagtap: Shipwright CLI extends support to set the parameters using "--param-value" flag while creating build/buildRun.
API Changes
#286 by SaschaSchwarze0: Dependencies updated to the latest build release
#270 by HeavyWombat: Fixed local source code progress bar output that displays the actual size of the data being transferred.
Changes since v0.8.0
#111 by SaschaSchwarze0: You can now set the retention-related fields when creating a Build, or BuildRun
#106 by HeavyWombat: The shp build upload
command now also supports source bundle images when uploading local source code. When the respective build defines a source bundle image location, the local code upload will use a source bundle instead of the upload stream.
#105 by qu1queee: Add version cmd.
#107 by otaviof: Making --source-url optional for shp build create
#88 by @SaschaSchwarze0: We now import the authentication package of the Kubernetes client library client-go. This enables the CLI to connect to support more authentication providers.
#86 by @otaviof: Introducing "shp build upload" sub-command to stream a local repository clone data onto a newly created BuildRun, so users can employ the Shipwright Build Controller to ship container images out of arbitrary content.
API Changes
#93 by @gabemontero: Add a form of relist on the pod watcher to help provide diagnostics for BuildRuns that fail very quickly
- #81 by @gabemontero: Added log following / tailing of active buildruns to 'shp buildrun logs' via the '-F' or '--follow' arguments
- #76 by @sm43: Adds support to specify labels and annotations on BuildRun objects to be set on output images
- #71 by @jerolimov: Initialize klog with (go)flags and add these flags to pflag as well
- #68 by @sm43: Adds support for img labels and anno. in build create cmd
- #72 by @sm43: Fixes create cmds to return an error if env passed is invalid
- #67 by @SaschaSchwarze0: Ensure revision is not set to an empty string
- #65 by @SaschaSchwarze0: Remove duplicate buildrun logs command
- #82 by @SaschaSchwarze0: Update compile and test dependencies
- #75 by @SaschaSchwarze0: Add verify action
329128e Add generated binaries in gitignore
96b6e4f Add generic Kubectl binary download script for all Linux distributions
863e038 BUILD-206: added BuildRun, resource accepts context
0548273 Build and BuildRun "create" subcommands.
19ee9e4 Build commands, noun verb order
06aaabb Bump SHP submodule
5c67f0c Bump to latest Shipwright commit
36f8832 Command Suggestion for Incorrect Subcommands
8194d63 Extending documentation about testing.
751f11b Fix command line parsing of build command
39ab136 Fix reporting of build run status
2b1504b Fixing tr
's Illegal Byte Sequence.
23ba9c1 Go modules and vendor directory update and sync
f5f3ee8 Initial BATS end-to-end test.
2d7dc75 Initial commit
7ae4696 Linting
9dbb192 Main and Cobra root command.
640e2ac Make sure Dockerfile is not set to empty string
83fcf89 Merge pull request #12 from vinamra28/subcommand-suggest
c482f6b Merge pull request #16 from gabemontero/add-pr-template
ef8366a Merge pull request #17 from otaviof/b-and-br-create-flags
8b2a230 Merge pull request #18 from qu1queee/qu1queee/bump_shp
88f1035 Merge pull request #22 from gabemontero/buildrun-cancel
6b5d007 Merge pull request #25 from gabemontero/start-with-follow-final
4831482 Merge pull request #27 from coreydaley/jira_ship_0004_build_env_vars
2ca52a4 Merge pull request #28 from otaviof/issue-26
4a88663 Merge pull request #29 from otaviof/go-report-card
7561eab Merge pull request #30 from otaviof/go-report-card-fixes
2155203 Merge pull request #31 from kevydotvinu/generic-kubectl-download-script
e69b627 Merge pull request #32 from HeavyWombat/fix/cmd-flag-parsing
69668f5 Merge pull request #33 from HeavyWombat/update/owners-file
3e80c54 Merge pull request #34 from HeavyWombat/bump/shipwright-build
c8174b4 Merge pull request #36 from gabemontero/no-dyn-client
157b479 Merge pull request #39 from gabemontero/start-buildrun-follow-logs-test
0964e93 Merge pull request #4 from alicerum/cliworks2
b7f9479 Merge pull request #40 from otaviof/e2e-bootstrap
4d81503 Merge pull request #41 from gabemontero/more-follow-unit-test-panic-fixes
2c7e54d Merge pull request #45 from akram/pass-name-to-cli
0ee0295 Merge pull request #46 from jkhelil/issue-43
14e977b Merge pull request #49 from gabemontero/more-build-run-unit-test-panics
7e33efe Merge pull request #51 from coreydaley/use_shipwright_build_0_6_0
44c0a85 Merge pull request #52 from otaviof/tr-illegal-byte-seq
ec81d6f Merge pull request #55 from shipwright-io/sascha-fix-timeout-handling
c91c9b7 Merge pull request #56 from gabemontero/fix-follow-no-pod
be770b4 Merge pull request #58 from shipwright-io/sascha-prevent-empty-dockerfile
1d887fb Merge pull request #6 from alicerum/build-206
e323291 Merge pull request #61 from adambkaplan/goreleaser-adkaplan
16979e9 Merge pull request #8 from qu1queee/qu1queee/bump_modules
ab0f2be Merge pull request #9 from alicerum/owners
3a64b5f Move client-go from replace to import
fc183b9 OWNERS file
24c093b Otávio Fernandes PoC Shipwright CLI
e3e8297 Pass name to shp for create build and create buildrun
f71059e Project scaffold.
4b40a50 Refactor code due to Shipwright changes
5f62352 Release workflow for shp CLI
7d2f69b Remove 0s timeout as this is the default but causing failures
2250a00 Renaming file for consistency.
d7e9771 Representing Shipwright resources as flags.
13f17da Representing Shipwright resources as flags.
0fef193 SHIP-0004: Build Environment Variables
653dc3d Setting up end-to-end test environment.
255908f Skip resource list unit test
6a1bf8e Testing Flags Package
b5cde31 Update OWNERS
aace771 Updating Old References
28bfde6 Use Shipwright Build Release 0.6.0
a3e862a Vendor directory.
d9c10e8 add --follow no pod yet unit test
0264407 add buildrun cancel
c442fe7 add buildrun log unit test
833f51b add container registry to e2e
71ba9a0 add e2e for buildrun log following
913fe5c add generic pod watcher and use if for tailing build run logs - include prefixing like step names, inspired by tkn - include applicable, nuanced pod state checks observed in tkn - use when available randomized build run name as a label selector - obtain logs for both init containers and containers
d80f348 add iostreams to complete; simplify --follow init remove follow watch lock eliminate races
9ba2e51 add no pod events yet callback add lock to avoid data race on Out stream used for logging
783688f add pr template in preparation for enabling release notes
8af5ffb add top level buildrun cancel unit test
001a564 add unit test for build follow logs logic
bd63cf1 adding BATS core and supporting libraries removing dependency for user to have to install BATS
8d6dba5 bump()
c594997 bump()
cb12d29 bump() shipwright/build
87364c3 bump():
794b4e2 bump(shipwright-io/build): fake client
47e2250 bump: vendor update
b1e555a corey-review-1
c4ab769 fix intermittent race on closing tail/watch channels
6fdb5d0 initial wiring of -F/--follow flag, remnants of tkn based prototype; minor crud/resources/logs updates
5f40421 more RunCommand initialization verification for TestStartBuildRunFollowLog
991b7df more multi thread coordination need to avoid panics in TestStartBuildRunFollowLog
62a1d54 move all of run.go onEvent processing to switch
d01f94c no pod events yet prototype
2dd158f remove dynamic client usage; go mod tidy/vendor
a671e0c update build run -F to accound for deletions and cancelations
af38749 utilize --request-timeout in pod watcher add new pod watcher timeout callback print message on context/request timeout