This is my try to create an online, or at least local 2 player, version of the fun minigame "Knucklebones" from Cult of the Lamb and can be played here. The current version can be played via peer-to-peer or locally by entering the lobby code on the same client who generated it.
- Each player takes turn rolling a dice.
- The rolled dice can then be placed anywhere in the grid, granted it's not already occupied.
- Placing the same value multiple times in the same column grants increasing score multiplier for that pair (1x, 4x, 9x).
- Also, placing a dice in a colmun, removes every opponents dice in the opposing collumn.
- The game ends if one of the boards is filled.
- No bous points are granted for being the one who ends the game.
- The highest score wins.
The current version is playable, but there are still many things to improve. Mainly visually, but also some QoL. Design improvements will probably take a good while, since I would have to grow my webdev/CSS skills first :)