- Run selenium with the Chrome web driver
- Set Chrome webdriver with driver directory [webdriver.chrome.driver <= D:\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe]
- Validate if your Page title is correct
- Validate if you are landed on the correct URL
- Print the page source code
- Page navigate [Forward and Backward]
- Current browser and all browser close operation
- Run selenium with the Firefox web driver
- Set Firefox webdriver with driver directory [webdriver.chrome.driver <= D:\Webdrivers\geckodriver-v0.32.0-win64\geckodriver.exe]
- Create driver object for the Firefox browser
- Get the Title of the website
- Locator identifiers [ID/ ClassName/ Name/ linkText/ Xpath/ Css]
- Create an object of a class
- Pass the parameters to the methods
- Check how multiple values work- Selenium identifies the first one and scans from the top left
- Create the Xpath for the Login button
- Create the CSS selector for the text link
- Classes should not have spaces - Compound classes cannot be accepted
- Validate the error message from the Form fields
- Locator identifiers: Xpath/ Css
- Xpath format: //tagName=[@attribute='value']
- Create customized Xpath from HTML attributes
- cssSelector format: tagName=[attribute='value']
- cssSelector format(if tagName has an id): tagName#idValue or #idValue
- cssSelector format(if tagName has a class): tagName.classValue
- Create customized CSS from HTML attributes
- Xpath format for Regular Expression: //tagName[contains(@attribute, 'value')]
- cssSelector format for Regular Expression: tagName[attribute*='value']/tagName#id/tagName.classname
- Customized xpath and css practices
- Created customized Xpath and cssSelector with regular expressions
- Identify Xpath with parent child traverse relationship
- Xpath practices [ Relative Xpath doesn't depend on parent nodes and Absolute Xpath is the parent/child nodes traverse]
- Traverse to the sibling element using Xpath
- Traverse to the parent element using Xpath
- Identifying objects with Text() function using Xpath locators
- CSS selectors locators [Using attribute and value, ID, class]
- Handling static dropdown with select webdriver API
- Select static dropdown by visibleText/Index/Value
- Handle the latest drop-down looping UI
- Handling Java alerts
- Parent-Child relationship locator to Identify the objects Uniquely
- Select the From drop-down using absolute Xpath
- Handle the latest drop-down looping UI
- Importance of Assertions in Automation testing and how to use them
- Simple Amazon End-to-end search
- Running testcases in TestNG without Java compiler
- Prioritizing the Testcases with TestNG
- xml file in Testng configuration
- Include and Exclude Mechanism to control testcases
- Executing the Testcases at Package level with regex
- TestNg Annotations
- Groups functionality in TestNG
- Annotations helper attributes with examples
- Parameterising from TestNG xml file
- DataProvider Annotation -Parameterizing Testcases
- Listeners Interface in TestNG framework
- Running Tests in parallel and generating Reports
- Write Global parameters with java code