A short course in Julia for scientific programming
This version of the julia course is given at the Acoustic Reserach Laboratory @ National University of Singapore. The original course was given for graduate students at Dept. Automatic Control at Lund University, with course webpage: http://www.control.lth.se/education/doctorate-program/julia-course/julia-course-2019/
Teachers: Fredrik Bagge Carlson (@baggepinnen)
Session on monday 7/10 1600 hrs Types, functions multiple dispatch
Recommended watching The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Multiple Dispatch | Stefan Karpinski | JuliaCon 2019
(preliminary schedule)
- Intro
- Types, functions multiple dispatch
- Performance and profiling
- Workflow
- ControlSystems.jl
- Optimization and Learning
- Parallel and distributed computing
- Labs and hardware in Julia
Session on thursday 3/10 (Lecture 1: Intro) Before this session, it would be great if participants have a working Julia installation, and maybe also have given the getting started section of the manual a cursory read. Visit https://julialang.org/ and download Julia v1.2 (or v1.3-rc2 if you want to use the new multi-threading support, I use this version). If you prefer working in an IDE, I use Juno (based on atom), but vs-code, vim and emacs are also well supported.