A React package that simplifies data exporting and clipboard management. It provides react component for printing documents, exporting data as PDF, Excel, and CSV, as well as copying text and structured data to the clipboard.
- Small Size
- All Export Formate
- Export As PDF
- Export As CSV
- Export As Excel
- Copy table data to Clipboard
- Copy any text to clipboard
- Excel or Sheet to JSON converter
- Added
props toExportAsExcel
, andExportAsCsv
component - Code optimizations
- Remove file upload component from this package, Instead I create another package @siamf/upload with more functionality and options. See the docs here
- Rename the component
- Huge API change for
component. For more details, read the docs for this component. - React 19 Support
- Package Update
$ npm i @siamf/react-export
import { ExportAsExcel, ExportAsPdf, ExportAsCsv, CopyToClipboard, CopyTextToClipboard, PrintDocument, ExcelToJson } from "@siamf/react-export";
//Export as Excel Sheet
headers={["Name", "Age", "Something"]}
{(props)=> (
<button {...props}>
Export as Excel
//Export as pdf
headers={["CreatedBy", "Age", "Something Else"]}
headerStyles={{ fillColor: "red" }}
title="Sections List"
{(props)=> (
<button {...props}>
Export as PDF
//Export as CSV
{(props)=> (
<button {...props}>Hello World</button>
//Copy to clipboard (Array or Table)
headers={["CreatedBy", "Age", "Something Else"]}
{(props)=> (
<button {...props}>
Copy Document
//Copy to clipboard (text)
<CopyTextToClipboard text="Hello World">
{(props)=> (
<button {...props}>
Copy Text
//Print data
headers={["CreatedBy", "Age", "Something Else"]}
{(props)=> (
<button {...props}>
Copy Text
//Excel to json converter or Read Excel File
}) => (
<div {...dragProps} onClick={onFileUpload}>
Upload Excel File
Name | Types | Default |
chilren | ReactNode (Required) | |
data | Array (Required) | |
headers | string[] (Required) | |
name | string (Optional) | reactExportTable |
minColumnWidth | number (Optional) | 15 |
fileName | string (Optional) | reactExportTable |
onError | (error:Error)=>void (Optional) | |
onSuccess | ()=>void (Optional) |
Name | Types | Default |
chilren | ReactNode (Required) | |
data | Array (Required) | |
headers | string[] (Required) | |
foot | string[] (Optional) | |
title | string (Optional) | |
fileName | string (Optional) | reactExportTable |
theme | "striped" | "grid" | "plain" (Optional) | "grid" |
styles | StylesDefs (Optional) | |
headerStyles | StylesDefs (Optional) | |
footerStyles | StylesDefs (Optional) | |
margin | Margin (Optional) | |
orientation | Orientation (Optional). Format is- "landscape" | "portrait" | "l" | "p" | |
onError | (error:Error)=>void (Optional) | |
onSuccess | ()=>void (Optional) |
font: 'helvetica'|'times'|'courier' = 'helvetica'
fontStyle: 'normal'|'bold'|'italic'|'bolditalic' = 'normal'
overflow: 'linebreak'|'ellipsize'|'visible'|'hidden' = 'linebreak'
fillColor: Color? = null
textColor: Color? = 20
cellWidth: 'auto'|'wrap'|number = 'auto'
minCellWidth: number? = 10
minCellHeight: number = 0
halign: 'left'|'center'|'right' = 'left'
valign: 'top'|'middle'|'bottom' = 'top'
fontSize: number = 10
cellPadding: Padding = 10
lineColor: Color = 10
lineWidth: border = 0
// If 0, no border is drawn
top: number
right: number
bottom: number
left: number
You find this three type theme-
Name | Types | Default |
chilren | ReactNode (Required) | |
data | Array (Required) | |
fileName | String (Optional) | Custom CSV File Name |
onError | (error:Error)=>void (Optional) | |
onSuccess | ()=>void (Optional) |
Name | Types | Default |
chilren | ReactNode (Required) | |
data | Array (Required) | |
headers | string[] (Required) | |
onCopied | Function (Optional) | When copy will be success |
onFailed | Funtion (Optional) | When copy will be failed |
Name | Types | Default |
chilren | ReactNode (Required) | |
text | string (Required) | |
headers | string[] (Required) | |
onCopied | Function (Optional) | When copy will be success |
onFailed | Funtion (Optional) | When copy will be failed |
- Same as
Name | Types | Description | Required/Optional |
onRead | (data: Array) => void | For listening converted data | Required |
value | Array | Default Value | Required |
children | (props: ExportInterface) => React.ReactNode | UI for drop zone | Required |
inputProps | React.HTMLProps | Input Props for input field | Optional |
onChange | (file: File | null) => void | Listener for on file change | optional |
Name | Types | Description |
dragProps | object | Native element props for drag and drop feature |
isDragging | boolean | For listening is file is dragging on dropzone |
onFileUpload | () => void | Called when an element is clicks and triggers to open a file dialog |
data | Array | Read or Converted data |
file | File | null | Selected file |
error | string | Validation error |
- Author - Siam Ahnaf
- Website - https://www.siamahnaf.com/
- Github - https://github.com/siamahnaf