2233 commits
to canary
since this release
- Bugfixes for Android 12 users
- QQS Brightness slider is back for Android 13
AOSP based Androids:
12, 12.1 (12L) and 13
If you're updating from previous versions:
Update your module via module update shortcut in Magisk, or use the built-in updater located in 3-dot menu of the app
To install, you will need to:
Install LSPosed Zygisk (https://t.me/LSPosedArchives)
Install the zip file in Magisk (You will be able to install canary builds once the stable version is installed, through in-app updater)
Technically, the module should automatically activate itself in Lsposed and get its required root permissions. If didn't, please activate manually and reboot again
Translation credits:
- @ElTifo Portuguese
- @cracky5322 Chinese Traditional
- @JohnsonRan Chinese Simplified
- @TireX228 Russian
- @ygorigor Romanian
- @krystianokris Polish
- @HofaTheRipper German
- @acuicultor Spanish
- @tomaja18 Spanish
- @n3rd3x3 Spanish
- @TeaqariaWTF Turkish
- @EleoXDA Turkish, German, Russian
- @nmayorga092 Spanish
- @vitalitk Ukrainian
- @siavash79 Persian
- @abalam1980 Dutch
- @trinhloivn Vietnamese