Status: Expect regular updates and bug fixes.
Solar photovoltaic distributed energy resources (PV-DER) are power electronic inverter based generation (IBG) connected to the electric power distribution system (eg. roof top solar PV systems). This environment consists of a single DER connected to a stiff voltage source as shown in the following schematic:
The dynamics of the DER are modelled using dynamic phasors. One step in the environment is equivalent to n simulation time steps and each simulation time step is one half-cycle (1/120 s).
There are two types of perturbations in the environment: a) Change in grid voltage magnitude b) Change in solar insolation.
First install the Solar PVDER simulation utility. Then you can install the PVDER environment using following commands:
git clone
cd gym-SolarPVDER-environment
pip install -e .
Other dependencies: OpenAI Gym, Numpy, SciPy
The environment can be instantiated just like any other OpenAI Gym environment as show below:
import gym
import gym_PVDER
env = gym.make('PVDER-v0')
- DISCRETE_REWARD: If this is set to True discrete rewards (i.e. +1, -1, -5 etc) will be returned every time step. Otherwise reward will be the error between goals and actual values.
Create environment and make a random agent interact with it:
The environment can also be used with TensorFlow agents. Try out the demo below which trains a DQN agent using the environment:
If you use this code please cite it as:
title = {{gym-SolarPVDER-environment}: A environment for solar photovoltaic distributed energy resources},
author = "{Siby Jose Plathottam}",
howpublished = {\url{}},
url = "",
year = 2019,
note = "[Online; accessed 18-March-2019]"