A simple HLA for Saleae Logic 2.0 that packages raw I2C analyzer frames into read/write transactions between a master and a slave that uses address-based registers
Only tested with repeated starts
The code that packages the I2C frames into transactions is currently tangled with register name mapping code. I'm hoping to extract into a higher-level HLA if possible, bbut for now my plans are:
- Test support for arbitrary register maps
- Add higher-level register mapper with support for bitwise operation tracking
Possible additions:
- Write to file
- User provided format strings?
Basic installation instructions from the code this was ripped off from:
Here's Saleae's docs on how High Level Analyzers can be written:
It's pretty slim pickin's at this point, but there are a few settings:
- Input Analyzer - For now I2C only
- Debug Print - Set to True to print additional info to the console that may be helpful for debugging
- Multi-byte auto-increment mode - How to tell the sensor to auto-increment the address being written to or read from during multi-byte transactions. Some sensors require setting the MSBit of the register address, others auto-increment by default
- Register Map(JSON) A text file path to a JSON formatted register map with some caveats
- Currently it's pretty tightly coupled to the ICM-20948/ICM-20649 due to its use of banks
- Because I had a dumb, the address keys are strings, not ints. I'll fix this shortly
"0": {
"name": "WHO_AM_I",
"rw": "R",
"fields": [
"45": {
"name": "ACCEL_XOUT_H",
"rw": "R",
"fields": [
"46": {
"name": "ACCEL_XOUT_L",
"rw": "R",
"fields": [
"127": {
"name": "BANK",
"rw": "R/W",
"fields": [
"1": {
"name": "GYRO_CONFIG_1",
"rw": "R",
"fields": [
"20": {
"name": "ACCEL_CONFIG",
"rw": "R/W",
"fields": [
As it stands, the code expects to get a ordered list of objects with each object representing a bank of registers. Each bank has keys for the different addresses, and the value for each address key is a name, read/write type and a list of fields
Derived from A refactored ripoff of the Example Gyroscope HLA by Ryan Huffman