Cross Platform Rust Repl
:help => print help
:reset => reset repl
:show => show repl current code (optionally depends on rustfmt to format output)
:add <dep_list> => add dependencies (requires cargo-edit) also it accepts most cargo-edit
:type => shows the expression type, example :type vec!(5)
:load => load a rust script into the repl
:pop => remove last repl code line
:del <line_num> => remove a specific line from repl code (line count starts at 1 from the first expression statement)
:edit <editor> => edit internal buffer using an external editor, example: :edit micro
, currently it has some limitations mainly everthing should be defined in the main function (structs, enum, etc..)
:cd => change current working directory
:: => run a shell command, example ::ls
You can use arrow keys to cycle through commands history
ctrl-l clear screen
ctrl-c clear line
ctrl-d exit if buffer is empty
ctrl-z [unix only] send IRust to the background
ctrl-r search history
ctrl-left/right jump through words
HOME/END go to line start / line end
Tab/ShiftTab cycle through auto-completion suggestions (requires racer)
Alt-Enter add line break
--help prints help message
--reset-config reset IRust configuration to default
IRust config file is located in:
Linux: /home/$USER/.config/irust/config
Win: C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Roaming/irust/config
Mac: /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/irust/config
default config:
add_irust_cmd_to_history = false
add_shell_cmd_to_history = false
enable_racer = true
racer_inline_suggestion_color = Cyan
racer_suggestions_table_color = Green
racer_selected_suggestion_color = DarkRed
racer_max_suggestions = 5
insert_color = White
input_color = Yellow
out_color = Red
ok_color = Blue
eval_color = White
irust_color = DarkBlue
irust_warn_color = Cyan
shell_color = DarkYellow
err_color = DarkRed
welcome_msg = Welcome to IRust
welcome_color = DarkBlue
Since release 0.8.9
can now parse a theme file located on $config_dir/irust/theme
and use it for the highlighting colors.
Example of a theme file:
keyword: #D027C1
keyword2: #BC303F
function: #6BF600
type: #0ED5FF
string_literal: #DEFB24
character: #DEFB24
symbol: #BC303F
const: #9530BC
Automatic releases by github actions are uploaded here
cargo b --release
1- Why is autocompletion not working
-> you need racer installed and configured correctly
cargo +nightly install racer
rustup component add rust-src