A playground for all things Node.js. This includes:
- Vanilla HTTP Web Server
- Framework HTTP Web Server, i.e. express, fastify, etc.
- Framework GraphQL Server
- Websockets
- Database connections
- ORMs
- Microservices
- Utility Scripts
- and more...
This is a monorepo with various projects that helps me test different architectures, projects, libraries, etc.
It's a messy repo and it's meant to serve as a personal scratchpad for learning purposes. Feel free to clone, edit, contribute or whatever you want to do.
This one should cove a wide spectrum of topics
It's setup as a monorepo using pnpm because I don't like having a million different repos. There is a main project at root which you can simply use as a template for new projects.
Each project is running SWC as a TypeScript compiler targeting CJS. You can of course change this to your needs.
It's setup as a monorepo using pnpm because I don't like having a million different repos. There is a main project at root which you can simply use as a template for new projects.
Go play, have fun and learn.