Tasks 6 and 5 of a university 'pattern recognition' basic course.
Qt plotting widget - QCustomPlot.
Model a random sample of n-dimension objects.
Modelled sample objects are distributed normally, the mean and the variance have to be predefined in a configuration file.
Plot objects' 2d-projections.
A number of each dimension is defined in an application form (starting with 0).
Classify objects using chosen algorithm (Parzen windows, k nearest neighbours, Bayes classifier, Parametric classifier).
Calculate a classification error.
Calculate a transformation matrix.
An element tij of this matrix stands for the number of elements of a class j classified as a class j.
You'll need a test.txt
to define the number of classes, the number of dimensions, prior probabilities, for each class its distribution parameters. Using QtCreator open lab6.pro
, run the project. Input the size of a training sample in a textbox signed N train
, the size of a test sample in a N test
textbox, click Model
to model the sample, click test
to test a chosen classifier.
Model a random sample of n-dimension objects.
Modelled sample objects are distributed normally, the mean and the variance have to be predefined in a configuration file.
Plot objects' 2d-projections.
A number of each dimension is defined in an application form (starting with 0).
Classify objects to minimize risk and to minimize error.
Calculate an average risk and a classification error.
Calculate a transformation matrix.
An element tij of this matrix stands for the number of elements of a class j classified as a class j.
You'll need a config.txt
to define the number of classes, the number of dimensions, loss matrix, prior probabilities, for each class its distribution parameters. Using QtCreator open lab5.pro
, run the project. Input the size of a sample in a textbox signed N
, click Model
The first plot is min error classification, the second is modelled data, the third plot is min risk classification, colors represent classes.