Landlord is a dynamic and hybrid multitenancy solution for Rails 6.0 and PostgreSQL. It allows you to manage multiple tenants within a single Rails application, simplifying the process of developing and maintaining applications with complex multitenant requirements.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'landlord', '~> 0.1.0'
And then execute:
bundle install
After that, run the generator to create the necessary migrations and models:
rails generate landlord:install
Finally, run the migrations:
rails db:migrate
Firstly, in your ApplicationRecord model add the fetch_db_connections method call, and extend DbConnectionsFetcher:
class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
extend DbConnectionsFetcher
Enable sharding.
TODO: Add migrations of tenants
The Landlord gem provides you with easy methods to switch tenants in your application. The Landlord module contains methods like switch_to_main and switch_to that take a block of code to execute in the context of a specific tenant:
Landlord.switch_to(tenant) do
# Your code here
During development, if you need to switch tenants permanently for easier debugging in the terminal, use the switch! methods. These are only available in development or test environments: