Install with npm:
$ npm install -g clairvoyance
Run as follow:
$ clairvoyance --css path/app.css --html path/index.html
And this will write a coverage file to coverage/css-coverage.json
Usage: clairvoyance [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
--css <path> specify css path
--html <path> specify html path
-R, --reporter <name> append the reporter
The --reporter option allows you to append the reporter. For example, you append the clairvoyance-html to generate a html report.
$ clairvoyance --css path/app.css --html path/index.html --reporter clairvoyance-html
Then, you will get a html report like below:
source code view:
var Clairvoyance = require("clairvoyance");
var parser = new Clairvoyance({css: "path/app.css", html: "path/index.html"}); {
// { "path/app.css": [null, null, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, ...] }