A relatively simple and straightforward jeopardy game.
- Obviously create a jeopardy game
- Login to save your games
- Standard points management (5 categories with 100-500 points each)
- Custom points management (bonus category with customizable points)
- Connect to database
- Dummy TRPC router to confirm db working as expected
- DB schema
- Implement auth
- Protected routes
- TRPC router for boards
- test board router with auth
- init shadcn
- basic themeing
- add error boundaries
- auth login/logout flows
- 5 jeopardy categories (MVP)
- Each category has 5 questions - 100 to 500 points (MVP)
- 2 Teams take turns
- Stealing questions
- Configurable points for each question
- Configurable number of total categories
- Configurable number of teams