Based on sirajr/centos-systemd, this container aids iterative development of Habitat packages, as well as testing of Supervisors and Rings. Available on Docker Hub
Start the container minimally using:
$ podman run -d --name habitat sirajr/habitat
You can then connect to the container using podman exec
, where the Supervisor will be installed as a SystemD service hab-sup
$ podman exec --interactive --tty habitat /bin/bash
From here you may modify the configuration, install packages/load services, etc.
View the Supervisor status:
[root@33d9afdf53a9 /]# systemctl status hab-sup
● hab-sup.service - Habitat Supervisor
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/hab-sup.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-02-12 14:50:55 UTC; 1min 8s ago
Main PID: 19 (hab-launch)
CGroup: /docker/75f65b0b1da83e331e29365d378f938688616db8e299f70d308b2c538e732ba5/system.slice/hab-sup.service
├─19 /hab/pkgs/core/hab-launcher/13154/20200211164210/bin/hab-launch run --listen-ctl
└─34 /hab/pkgs/core/hab-sup/1.5.29/20200211164216/bin/hab-sup run --listen-ctl
Feb 12 14:50:55 75f65b0b1da8 hab[19]: → Using core/xz/5.2.4/20190115013348
Feb 12 14:50:55 75f65b0b1da8 hab[19]: → Using core/zlib/1.2.11/20190115003728
Tail the Supervisor's log using journalctl
[root@33d9afdf53a9 /]# journalctl --follow --unit hab-sup
-- Logs begin at Wed 2020-02-12 14:50:55 UTC. --
Feb 12 14:50:55 75f65b0b1da8 hab[19]: hab-sup(MR): Starting http-gateway on
To access the Supervisor HTTP API or the Control Gateway, add -P
to the podman run
command to expose ports 9631/9632 on TCP on random host ports. You may specify specific ports using -p <container-port>:[<optional-host-port>]
$ podman run -d -p 9631:9631 siraj-habitat
$ curl --silent localhost:9631/butterfly | jq
"member": {
"members": {},
To peer multiple containers, we can make use of the default bridge network. To do this, start up multiple containers, then use the podman inspect
command to retrieve the IP address:
$ podman run -d --name supervisor-1 -p 9631:9631 siraj-habitat
$ podman run -d --name supervisor-2 siraj-habitat
$ podman inspect supervisor-1 | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge.IPAddress'
This IP address must now be added as a --peer
argument to the other supervisors using the SystemD unit file at /etc/systemd/system/hab-sup.service
Description=Habitat Supervisor
-ExecStart=/bin/hab sup run --listen-ctl
+ExecStart=/bin/hab sup run --listen-ctl --peer
ExecStop=/bin/hab sup term
Followed by a daemon-reload
and a restart
[root@96d630782aaa /]# systemctl daemon-reload
[root@96d630782aaa /]# systemctl restart hab-sup
We can now query the API from either node, or from the host if we've forwarded ports from either machine.
$ curl -s localhost:9631/butterfly | jq '.membership | keys'
The container can be useful for testing packages that are deployed in specifically configured environments (such as through a cookbook, etc.) and aids in debugging the behaviour of packages in clustered scenarios, as well as being able to test
To make full use of this container's functionality it is suggested to export HAB_BLDR_URL
and mount the Habitat cache and our project directory to run builds or install packages to test outside the studio:
$ podman run -d -e HAB_BLDR_URL -e HAB_AUTH_TOKEN -e HAB_ORIGIN --volume ${HOME}/.hab/cache:/hab/cache --volume $(pwd):/workspace siraj-habitat
$ podman exec --interactive --tty 917c59943c59 /bin/bash
[root@917c59943c59 /]# source /workspace/results/last_build.env
[root@917c59943c59 /]# hab pkg install /workspace/results/$pkg_artifact
[root@917c59943c59 /]# hab svc load $pkg_ident
[root@917c59943c59 /]# journalctl -fu hab-sup
Feb 12 16:43:17 0e032bdb5c2c hab[20]: hab-sup(AG): The <pkg_ident> service was successfully loaded
Mounting of the cache results in faster build times/downloads as well as removes the need for re-downloading origin keys on every container.