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Extent the power of dot files for tmux, x, and zsh,

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Quick terminal setup to get started. Use off-the-shelve components and keep local changes to a minimum thus reducing maintenance. These files are modeled after and thoughbot.


  1. Launch Zsh: 'zsh

  2. Install the required packages and dependencies:

  1. On the client install powerline or nerdfonts. Configure terminal to your liking


  1. Clone the repository to your home directory:
git clone --recursive ~/dotfiles-local
  1. Set Zsh as your default shell:
chsh - /bin/zsh
  1. Open a new Zsh terminal window or tab

  2. Create symlinks to the following files

ln -s ~/dotfiles/inputrc ~/.inputrc
ln -s ~/dotfiles/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
ln -s ~/dotfiles/global-gitignore ~/.gitignore
ln -s ~/dotfiles/dir_colors ~/.dir_colors
  1. Follow more customization below


git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive


To remove the dotfile configs, run the following commands. Be certain to double check the contents of the files before removing so you don't lose custom settings.

rm ~/.inputrc
rm ~/.tmux.conf
rm ~/.gitignore
rm ~/.dircolors
rm -rf ~/dotfiles-local
chsh -s /bin/bash # change back to Bash if you want

Then open a new terminal window to see the effects.

Usage and customization

Some keyboard shortcuts to know:

Ctrl + R : reverse command history chooser
Ctrl + T : fuzzy directory chooser
cd -     : directory matches down the current directory hierarchy
cd ..    : directory matches up the current directory hierarchy

Shell Command line

  1. Navigation :
  • Ctrl + A : Go to beginning of the line
  • Ctrl + E : Go to end of the line
  • Alt + F : Go to next word
  • Alt + B : Go to previous work
  1. Edit :
  • Ctrl + D : Delete word
  • Ctrl + W : Delete previous word
  • Alt + D : Delete next word
  • Ctrl + - : undo
  1. History
- $ secret-command --password 1234qwerty  # oh no! that should not be in my history!
- $ sed -i '/secret-command/d' $HISTFILE  # delete history line containing 'secret-command'
- $  secret-command --password 1234qwerty  # Avoid histort. Notice the space at the start of the command!


  1. Create symlink to inputrc for command line completion
ln -s ~/dotfiles-local/inputrc ~/.inputrc
  1. Edit ~/.bashrc to:
  source ~/dotfiles-local/sensible.bash
  source ~/dotfiles-local/


  1. Ensure zprezto is installed

  2. Edit ~/.zshrc to:

  source ~/.zpretzo/runcoms/zshrc
  source ~/dotfiles-local/zshrc.local
  source ~/dotfiles-local/
  1. Edit ~/.zpretzorc :

    Enable the following modules:

  • Choose a prompt theme to load:
   +zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'powerlevel9k'
  1. Some keyboard shortcuts to know:
Ctrl + R         : reverse command history chooser
Ctrl + T         : fuzzy directory chooser
cd -             : directory matches down the current directory hierarchy
cd ..            : directory matches up the current directory hierarchy
cd /etc/**<TAB>  : Tab completion


Prefix is set to backquote

  1. Install TPM :
  mkdir -p ~/.tmux/plugins
  git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
  1. Create symlink to tmux.conf
ln -s ~/dotfiles-local/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
  1. Load tmux do the following:
  • prefix + I to fetch the plugins
  • prefix + U to update the plugins
  • prefix + R to rename window
  • prefix + Ctl+R reload config

Some shell shortcuts to know:

back_tick` : prefix key
 `prefix + c`      : crete window
 `prefix + #`      : switch to the numbered window
 `prefix + Escape` : switch to vi mode
 `prefix + d`      : detach the session without lossing session
 `prefix + I`      : Install tmux plugins
 `prefix + U`      : Update tmux plugins
 `prefix + Cltr-r` : Restore closed session
 `atmux`           : aliases to open or re-attack existing session

For more information see:


  1. Install vim-plug
  2. Comments out unused modules in vim-plug.vim
  3. Edit ~/dotfiles-local/vim-plug-after.vim
  4. Create symlink ~/.vimrc to ~/dotfiles-local/vim-plug.vim
  5. Add modules not covered by existing modules to vim-plug.vim

The <leader> key is set to <Space>, it can be changed in file 'vim-plug-before.vim'. Some handy keyboard shortcut to know:

 <F3>        Toggle Numberline
 <F5>        Toggle paste mode
 <C-e>       toggle buffer
 <C-w>       close all buffers

 <C-]>       Tag function definition
 :tn         nextfunction definition
 <C-t>       pop back from tag
 <C-n>       word compltion

 <leader><leader> toggle buffer
 <leader>hs       toggle highlight seach
 <leader>k        grep current directgory
 <leader>n        toggle NERDTree
 <leader>cd       change path to active buffer file
 <leader>cc       comment out line or visual selection block
 <leader>cu       comment out line
 <leader>gb       gitblame
 <leader>gd       gitdiff

 [b and ]b       prev and next buffer
 [g and ]g       prev and next git change hulk
 [q and ]q       prev and next quick window
 [w and ]w       prev and next ALE errors
 [on and ]on     on/off the numbers
 [or and ]or     on/off the relative numbers

 [c and ]c   vimdiff prev and next conflict in change
 do          vimdiff diff obtain
 dp          vimdiff diff put

 :CLEAN      cleanup trailing white spaces
 :SudoWrite  write buffer

For more information see:


Create and the Add the following to ~/.gitconfig

    path= ~/dotfiles-local/gitconfig.cfg

For each workspace add the following line to ~/.gitconfig

 [includeIf "gitdir:/workspace-dir/"]
    path= /workspace-dir/.gitconfig

Under each workspace create /your-workspace-dir/.gitconfig Then add the details specific to that repo

    name = someusername lastname
    email = [email protected]
  1. Create symlinks and configure other settings See

GIT Usage

If you get merge conflict during pull or rebase:

git mergetool

Use the following vim commands to merge or edit conflicts:

:diffg RE  # get from REMOTE
:diffg BA  # get from BASE
:diffg LO  # get from LOCAL
:wqa       # write and close all the splits

Then forward-port local commit to the update upstream HEAD:

git commit -add/rm <conflicted-files>
git rebase --continue

For more information on how to configure settings see:


Extent the power of dot files for tmux, x, and zsh,






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