YoloV7 training on custom dataset
! git clone https://github.com/sivaji123256/YoloV7_Custom_Training.git
* In the parent folder go to data folder and access custom.yaml file and add the required path to the train dataset and test dateset and change other parametrs as
* Run the following command to install required packages
!pip install -r requirements.txt
!sudo apt install -y zip htop screen libgl1-mesa-glx
* In the parent folder add required yolov7 pretrained weights.pt files
* Use the following command to start training on custom dataset.
!python train.py --weights yolov7.pt --data "data/custom.yaml" --workers 4 --batch-size 4 --img 416 --cfg cfg/training/yolov7.yaml --name yolov7 --hyp
data/hyp.scratch.p5.yaml --epochs 5
* Run the following command
!python tools/eval.py --data dataset.yaml --weights runs/train/exp/weights/best_ckpt.pt --device 0
!python detect.py --weights runs/train/yolov7/weights/best.pt --source "path to your testing image"