cd server
go run main.go
The filestore server will start listening on port 8090
Note: Just run the
command which will create a binary namedstore
Once the server is listing on port 8090 you can start running different command using store binary
- Add file to store
$ ./store add first.txt second.txt new.txt
File first.txt uploaded successfully
File second.txt uploaded successfully
File new.txt uploaded successfully
- List files in the store
$ ./store ls
- Remove a file
$ ./store rm first.txt
Remove file name is first.txt
- Update contents to a file in the store
$ ./store update first.txt
File second.txt updated successfully
- Returns number of words in the file
$ ./store wc first.txt second.txt
41 , new.txt
9 , second.txt
Note: Here I have used kind cluster
- Create the deployement and service available inside the deployment/server directory
Now port-forward you service using below command
kubectl port-forward svc/filestoreserver-service 8090:8090
Once the portforward starts working you can create the client binary and run all the above command it will work as expected.