Python library to access Studer-Innotec Xcom-485i device through Modbus RTU over a serial port
Please read the complete documentation available on : Studer Innotec SA -> Support -> Download Center -> Software and Updates -> Communication protocols Xcom-CAN
$ pip install xcom485i
- Connect your Xcom-485i (Studer side) to your installation using the cable provided with the device
- Connect your Xcom-485i (External side) to your controller (personal computer, Raspberry Pi, etc.) using a USB to RS-485 adapter
- Please refer to the Xcom-485i manual for more information about commissioning the device
This package rely on pyserial standard package, in order to use the xcom485i package make sure to instantiate it like :
import serial
serial_port = serial.Serial(SERIAL_PORT_NAME, SERIAL_PORT_BAUDRATE, parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN, timeout=1)
- where SERIAL_PORT_NAME is your serial port interface, for example set it to 'COM4' (string argument) when using Windows otherwise you may set it to '/dev/ttyUSB0/' on Linux
- where SERIAL_PORT_BAUDRATE is the baudrate used by your serial port interface (must be set to 9600, 19200, 38400 or 115200 according to Xcom-485i dip-switches)
Xcom-485i Dip switches baud rate selection
N° 7 | N° 8 | Baudrate |
OFF | OFF | 9600 bps |
OFF | ON | 19200 bps |
ON | OFF | 38400 bps |
ON | ON | 115200 bps |
Set the modbus offset corresponding to the internal dip-switches of your Xcom-485i device, it must be set to 0, 32, 64 or 128.
It is done when instantiate the Xcom485i class like :
xcom485i = Xcom485i(serial_port, OFFSET, debug=True)
- where serial_port is the previously created object with Serial
- where OFFSET is your actual modbus address offset set by the dip-switches inside your Xcom-485i
- where debug enables you to get some useful console information for debugging purpose
Xcom-485i Dip switches address offset selection
N° 1 | N° 2 | Address offset | Address range |
OFF | OFF | 0 | 1 to 63 |
OFF | ON | 32 | 33 to 95 |
ON | OFF | 64 | 65 to 127 |
ON | ON | 128 | 129 to 192 |
Go to /examples folder with a terminal and execute this script
$ python
Check client file to understand it.
Open documentation from Read The Docs
- Please check carefully the serial configuration, the Xcom-485i dip-switches configuration as well as the jumper for D+, D- and GND signals
- Use devices addresses generated into addresses file
- It is strongly recommended NOT to spam the Xcom-485i with multiple requests. The correct way to communicate with the Xcom-485i is to send a request and to wait for the response before sending the next request. If no response comes from the Xcom-485i after a delay of 1 second, we can consider that the timeout is over and another request can be send. It is also how Modbus RTU is intended to work.
Studer Innotec SA - Initial work - Studer Innotec SA
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details