Table of Contents
This website is my Final Project for CS50 Edx Course 2020. My goal was to create a website that would show a user their "Florida Man Horoscope", which I had learned about years back. A Florida Man Horoscope is created by typing in your date of birth into Google + "Florida Man" and the list of headlines that return are your horoscope. (Here's an example.)
Origin of the Meme: Know Your Meme
Wikipedia: Link
To accomplish this I built a web-scraper that would search for 'Florida Man' headlines and save the results from every day of the year (including leap year). I put those results into a database and any user can query them while searching the website.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Clone the repo
git clone gh repo clone smhenderson89/FloridaMan
- Setup virtual environment:
. venv/bin/activate
- Install all pip package requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Setup Environmental varialbe:
- Launch Website
- Go to location host location, should be running at localhost:5000
I'm pretty happy with how the site turned out. There are some sretch goal ideas I have (making a twitter bot to post a new news story everyday, word cloud), but for now it was a great learning experience.
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Scott Henderson Github:
- The DigitalCrafts Teachers and Teaching Assistants