The correct files to download are either abismal-3.0.0.zip
or abismal-3.0.0.tar.gz
Please do not download the "Source code" files automatically generated by github, as they do not contain all files necessary for compilation
This version of abismal implements new indexing and encoding strategies that will be detailed in a future preprint. It results in faster and more accurate mapping times than 3.0.0.
Please note that your genome indices must be rebuilt to use this new version. Indices built on 2.0.0 or 1.0.0 no longer work
Indexing should take at most 20 mins on a single-core machine for the human genome.
This new release also resolves the following issues:
#5 : abismal now imposes a max read length of 65535 and stops mapping if the user attempts to map a read that is too long.
#8 : we no longer use parallel/algorithm
for parallel sorting, so it should be easier to install abismal on OSX machines.