v1.0.0 - 05/24/2022
The correct files to download are either falco-1.0.0.zip or falco-1.0.0.tar.gz
Please do not download the "Source code" files automatically generated by github, as they do not contain all files necessary for compilation
New features in 1.0.0:
- Progress bar for FASTQ, gzipped FASTQ and SAM inputs.
- Falco now runs in less than 100 MB for SAM input
#18 : falco now automatically identifies quality encoding with an identical approach to FastQC
#20 : falco now recognizes filenames independent of lower/uppercase
#23 : falco can now handle adapters of varying sizes
#25 : consistency with FastQC by rounding per base sequence quality distribution to double
#24 : falco can now handle different types of newline
#26 : falco no longer crashes if a read is empty or too short
#6 and #33 : Major fixes in BAM and SAM input processing
Major thanks to @Shelestova-Anastasia for bringing up the problem and contributing to the fixes for #23 , #24 , #25 and #26 !!