Powerful cli ui for lerna - replace
lerna run <scriptName>
withlerna-terminal <scriptName>
$ npm install lerna-terminal
$ lerna-terminal --help
$ lerna-terminal <scriptName> [options]
-V, --version Output the version number
-i, --ignoredPackages [string] Add packages which should be ignored
-f, --focus [string] Focus one subterminal initially
-t, --theme [string] Define theme (default, minimal, massive)
-r, --root Run given scriptName also in root package
-h, --help output usage information
$ lerna-terminal start -t minimal -i utils
lerna-terminal~$ help
lerna-terminal~$ [command]
[string] Focus one terminal panel and update current pwd
focus Leave focused mode (child process) and displays all terminal panels
focus [string] Focus one terminal panel and update current pwd
clear Clear all terminal panels
clear [string] Clear one terminal panel
start Start (or restart) the npm script (see Usage) in all terminal panels
start [string] Start (or restart) the npm script (see Usage) in one terminal panels
stop Stops the npm script (see Usage) in all terminal panels
stop [string] Stops the npm script (see Usage) in one terminal panels
exit Leave current child process and displays all terminal panels
lerna-terminal~$ start
lerna-terminal/<packageName>~$ help
lerna-terminal/<packageName>~$ [command]
[string] On Enter the given string will be executed in child process
clear Clear focused terminal panel
start Start (or restart) the npm script (see Usage) in focused terminal panel
stop Stops the npm script (see Usage) in focused terminal panel
exit Leave current child process and displays all terminal panels
lerna-terminal~$ start
- lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
MIT © Simon Mollweide