UPDATE: use https://github.com/mikkyang/id3-go instead, it can modify mp3 tags.
just a copy of github.com/ascherkus/go-id3/tree/master/src/id3
Andrew Scherkus May 21, 2012
Simple ID3 parsing library for go based on the specs at www.id3.org.
It doesn't handle everything but at least gets the imporant bits like artist, album, track, etc...
Pass in a suitable io.Reader and away you go!
fd, _ := os.Open("foo.mp3")
defer fd.Close()
file := id3.Read(fd)
if file != nil {
An example tag reading program can be found under id3/tagreader.
go install id3/tagreader
$GOPATH/bin/tagreader path/to/file.mp3 [...]