PlatformUIBundle is a bundle for eZ Publish Platform providing a webapp application to manage your content and administrate your eZ Publish Platform install.
If you find a bug, please create an issue in JIRA and don't forget to add as much details as you can (steps to reproduce, OS and browser(s) versions, ...) and to put PlatformUI in the Component/s field.
From your eZ Publish 5 installation, run composer:
$ composer require ezsystems/platform-ui-bundle:dev-master
Note: The post install scripts are failing because of a missing CSS file, it's a known issue that will be fixed in the coming weeks.
add an instance ofEzSystemsPlatformUIBundle
class to the list of registered bundles:public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // enabled bundles // ... new EzSystems\PlatformUIBundle\EzSystemsPlatformUIBundle(), ); }
include the eZPlatformUIBundle routing configuration:_ezpublishPlatformUIRoutes: resource: "@eZPlatformUIBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Configure the REST API to use the session based authentication.
Run the following command:
$ php ezpublish/console assets:install --symlink
Install nodejs
Install bower (usually you need to be root to install it globally)
# npm install -g bower
Install frontend dependencies (from the `vendor/ezsystems/platform-ui-bundle directory):
$ cd vendor/ezsystems/platform-ui-bundle && bower install && cd -
If you are running eZ Publish in the prod
environment, you also need to dump
the assets for Assetic with:
php ezpublish/console assetic:dump --env=prod
Once this is done, you can go to http://[uri_of_ez]/shell to run the eZ Platform UI application.
Most developer related tasks can be run with Grunt and have several additional dependencies:
Install Grunt, YUIDoc and Grover globally (usually you need to be root):
# npm install -g grunt-cli yuidocjs grover
Install phantomjs
Install local npm dependencies, from the bundle root, run:
$ npm install
Once this is done, you can use any tasks registered in Grunt, the most interesting are:
Running the JavaScript unit tests
$ grunt test
Generate a code coverage from those tests:
$ grunt coverage
The HTML coverage report is then available in
. -
Generate the JavaScript API doc:
$ grunt doc
Alternatively, you can run a live documentation server that will be available at :
$ grunt livedoc
To run the PHP unit tests, you first need to install the dev dependencies of the bundle. To do that, from the bundle root, run:
$ composer install --prefer-dist
Then, you can run the unit tests with:
$ php vendor/bin/phpunit