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Klaus Wuestefeld edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 21 revisions

Set up your Android Development Environment.

Make sure you are using the latest Sneer release:

Create or open the Android app you wish to enhance with sovereign features.

API 16 (Android 4.1) is the minimum level supported by Sneer.

AndroidManifest.xml File

Add this line to the application section:

<meta-data android:name="SneerApp" android:value=""/>

Make sure all activities to be launched within Sneer conversations look like this:



Choose what you want each Activity to do:


Run your app on a device with Sneer installed. Sneer will detect it automatically and add its activity to the conversation app list. Your activity will be started when the user taps it.

Be Seen

Publish your app on the play store with "SneerApp" in the description. It will be shown in this list when users click the "Find Apps" button in Sneer.

Aim for simple, awesome apps.