You are provided with a list of nodes that have been reduced to:
- their unique identifier: id
- two nodes that they reference:left and right
Your task is to parse this list into a Directed Acyclic Graph and provide statistics such as:
- Average depth of the DAG (assume that the graph has a single point of origin ID=1 and depth is the shortest path to it)
- Average number of nodes per depth (not including depth 0)
- Average number of in-references per node
- Be creative, find some more statistics that you think would be interesting to have
In addition to being able to manually create a DAG, add nodes and set references, you should be able to instantiate a DAG from a plain text file, with a structure as follows:
- Line 1: N, the number of nodes in the database
- Lines 2 through N + 1: the node data, where each node consists of the ids of its left and right parents
- Node id 1 is the unique origin of all nodes
- The id of each node in the database is its line number
# Database template
1 N # integer, number of nodes
2 L R # integers describing a node, L and R = Left and Right parent node ids
3 . . #
4 . .
5 . .
The graph produced is as following:
The program is expected to be run and output to the console as follows:
$ ./dag database.txt
> AVG IN-REF: ???
> <YOUR STAT>: ???
> <YOUR STAT>: ???
> <YOUR STAT>: ???
1 1
1 2
2 2
3 6
3 3
Running and output:
$ ./dag database.txt
> AVG REF: 1.667
For the solution, I used both DFS and BFS algorithms to showcase that there are several algorithms to solve graph related problems.
algorithm for cycle checkDFS allows us to explore the graph by visiting each node and its neighbors in a systematic way. In a DAG, if we encounter a back edge while performing DFS, it indicates the presence of a cycle. This is because in a directed graph, a back edge from a node to one of its parents in the DFS tree represents a cycle. Therefore, by performing DFS and detecting back edges, we can determine whether the graph contains a cycle or not.
algorithm for calculating depth of each nodes in DAGBFS systematically explores the graph level by level, starting from a given source node. In a DAG, where there are no cycles, BFS allows us to traverse the graph layer by layer, assigning depths to each node from the source node. Since a DAG has a topological ordering, BFS can efficiently compute the depths of each node by visiting nodes in a specific order and updating their depths traversing the graph. This makes BFS an effective algorithm for computing the depths of nodes in a DAG.
If you have installed Rust locally, you can run using the following command:
cargo build cargo run
You can run the tests using the following command:
cargo test
If you have not installed Rust locally, you can run using the follwoing command:
To build docker image for this application, run the following command in the root directory of the project:
docker build -t simple_dag .
Once the docker image built, you can run the application as a Docker container using the following command:
docker run simple_dag
To see more detailed information for each functions, please use the following command:
cargo doc
Then please visit the url: target/doc/simple_dag/index.html