NOTE: For the most effective demo, clone the project and import into IntelliJ fresh.
1 - Launch the app, browse to: http://localhost:8080
2 - set up the index page
<!-- insert nav fragment here -->
<!-- insert eventsTable fragment here -->
3 - Add search functionality
In SearchRepository.searchTalk
// lowercase the input
// create a native query to search for talks joined with the person table with the input in the description, title or speaker username
// execute the query
// return the result
In the app: show that the search field works
4 - Demonstrate SQL injection
In the app, put this in the search field:
%'; update talk set start_date = dateadd(hour,-2,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), end_date = dateadd(hour,1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) where id = 1; --
This moves your talk to the top of the list
NOTE: Per the code in AiConferenceBookingApplication
, the main speaker
(set to username micah
by default, will always have talk
id 1, 2 & 3)
%'; update talk set start_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, end_date = dateadd(hour,1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) --
This sets everyone's talk to the same time
5 - Fix the SQL injection
Delete the previous code in SearchRepository.searchTalk
. Then:
// lowercase the input
// create a native query using named parameters to search for talks joined with the person table with the input in the description, title or speaker username
// set the parameter
// return the result of the query
6 - show that the sql injection no longer works using one of the above queries
7 - Add code to support a profile picture
In UploadController.uploadImage
// get file name
// get path with file separator
// save file to the path
// get the person
// set the image name
// save the person
// add the message
8 - Show that upload of profile picture works
9 - Demonstrate a path traversal attack
Use burpsuite to capture profile pic upload POST
use burpsuite to replay pic upload, BUT change the file name to ../image/snyklogo.png
10 - Fix the path traversal attack
Delete the previous code in UploadController.uploadImage
. Then:
// get file name
// get path with file separator
// validate that there is not a path traversal by using the normalize method
// check for a path traversal
// save file to the path
// get the person
// set the image name
// save the person
// add the message
11 - Demonstrate that the path traversal attack no longer works
12 - Demonstrate XSS vuln
Use one of the links from the server output to show a speaker's talks listing
Replace the param with XSS:
13 - Update the code to provide links to the talks
Uncomment line 41 and comment line 40 in eventsTable.html
14 - Fix the XSS vuln
Use snyk code to scan (it will catch the XSS vuln)
Paste the code in ChatGPT and ask for analysis and fixes
Here's a conversation reference for this:
Note that the prompt is:
I am going to upload some code. Identify and fix any security vulnerabilities with minimal changes to the code.
Note that the fix ChatGPT provides is too localized and doesn't address the root cause which is found outside the
Run a snyk scan and show that the vuln is still there.
In the displayTalks
method, fix the code right at the top:
username = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(username);
Run snyk code again and show that the vuln is fixed for realz this time.