$ composer require sockstack/weather -vvv
use Sockstack\Weather\Weather;
$weather = new Weather();
$response = $weather->get("北京市");
$response = $weather->get("北京市", true);
"data": {
"yesterday": {
"date": "30日星期二",
"high": "高温 16℃",
"fx": "北风",
"low": "低温 1℃",
"fl": "<![CDATA[<3级]]>",
"type": "晴"
"city": "北京",
"aqi": "29",
"forecast": [
"date": "31日星期三",
"high": "高温 17℃",
"fengli": "<![CDATA[<3级]]>",
"low": "低温 3℃",
"fengxiang": "西南风",
"type": "晴"
"date": "1日星期四",
"high": "高温 17℃",
"fengli": "<![CDATA[<3级]]>",
"low": "低温 3℃",
"fengxiang": "南风",
"type": "晴"
"date": "2日星期五",
"high": "高温 18℃",
"fengli": "<![CDATA[<3级]]>",
"low": "低温 5℃",
"fengxiang": "南风",
"type": "晴"
"date": "3日星期六",
"high": "高温 17℃",
"fengli": "<![CDATA[<3级]]>",
"low": "低温 7℃",
"fengxiang": "南风",
"type": "多云"
"date": "4日星期天",
"high": "高温 14℃",
"fengli": "<![CDATA[3-4级]]>",
"low": "低温 6℃",
"fengxiang": "北风",
"type": "多云"
"ganmao": "天凉,昼夜温差较大,较易发生感冒,请适当增减衣服,体质较弱的朋友请注意适当防护。",
"wendu": "15"
"status": 1000,
"desc": "OK"
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