Improvements or additions to documentation
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Visitor: show blog site with a nav bar, a overview block and header
Visitor: list all blog titles in nav bar ,to choose what to read
Visitor: show the last three blogs with their first paragraphs in blogs overview, to get info
Visitor: show full article of the blog, to read it
Visitor: show all blogs on the nav bar and a summary of first 3 blogs in blogs overview
Blog member: use login or add button, to get access to member features
Blog member: use the add button, to add a new blog to the page
Visitor: show all bookmarks in the nav bar, to have an overview
Visitor: show last 5 bookmarks with summary in bookmarks overview, to choose what to read
Visitor: show all bookmarks in nav bar and the recent 5 with summary in bookmarks overview
Blog member: use the add button, to add a new bookmark to the page
Visitor: see information about our team, to get to know us