Topic: Exploring the Effects of VR Gameplay Videos on Performance and Experience
It is a common practice of watching a gameplay video of a digital video game from online sources before actually buying the game. These pre-gameplay exposure and information from walkthrough videos could indirectly be useful for a player who buys the game. This study focuses on such influences of gameplay videos (mainly of Virtual Reality (VR) Games). A series of t-tests were conducted which suggested that the participants who had watched the VR gameplay video had killed more enemies using gadgets with statistical significance as compared to the control. The results indicated significant effects of exposure to a gameplay video on immersion, competency, flow and positive effect through knowledge acquisition and thereafter on game performance. Thus, watching gameplay video beforehand can indirectly affect 4 aspects of gameplay experience thus providing the player with some tips beforehand helping him/her perform better in the game.
Comment by Hanzalla (hu297) As an avid gamer myself, I also tend to watch alot of gameplay videos before buying a game. Walkthroughs also help in connfusions at different stages of an RPG game as one might get lost. For virtual Reality games, I would watch even more gamepley videos as due to the first person expereince, I would want to know what I am getting into.
Comment by Yusra (yk2246) It is interesting to see how the things talked about in this article are also mirrored in how AI and ML training works. Here the gameplay videos are used as the training data set for the human brain which then improves performance when working on the real data set i.e. the actual game.