Alternative formatting for the freja editor using jandent.
The freja editor.
- Clone this repository somewhere and cd to the resulting directory
- Start freja with:
freja ./freja-jandent/defaults.janet
to load the file
In freja's buffer window, type some code that could use some formatting, e.g.:
(defn my-fn [x] (+ x 1))
Enter the key sequence
. -
Observe the formatted code:
(defn my-fn [x] (+ x 1))
In this version, Control+Shift+F
invokes the function jandent-format
which formats the buffer content using jandent
acts a little differently than spork/fmt
, in particular it
tries NOT to:
- alter whitespace beyond the first non-whitespace character on a line
- put a closing delimiter in the left-most column
- change the number of lines in the file
Note that the built in key sequence for formatting using spork/fmt