Muhammad Sohaib Baig with Ibrahim Ahmed Khan
- Introductions
- Flutter Installation
- Create a Template app
- Everything is a Widget
- Changing widgets
- Stateful/Stateless
- packages, import
- IDE IntelliSense (pressing ctrl+Space)
- Flutter/dart hierarchy of code
- Flutter hierarchy of folders
- Figma basic
- Build function, why stateful widget has two classes
Finish installation
- Dart basics -> final, const, Stateless, Stateful, setState
- Widget UI Layout Process ->
- Widget tree
- User input or animation triggers build
- Fixed constraints then flex
- flex concept
- constraint management beginning from Scaffold body
- Flex Widget; Column, Row
- Using Expanded, Flexible
- Layout Widgets (column, row, gridview, listview, wrap)
- pubspec.yaml -> Importing Images
- Scaffold, bnavbar, hamburger menu, appbar
- Shapes, button colors, splash/material rendering, CropRRect
- Make a screen with brown button, imported image inside and 25 radius
- Read the typography blog[]
- Read the material blog[]
- VS Code debug console vs all other tabs
- Errors caused by using const
- What is the root folder of the project. ease of misplacing asset folder.
- CodeLab Review
- Table with borders
- Tictactoe [data structure, logic]
- Dialogs
- Drawer
- Navigation across pages
- Scoreboard Screen
Day 4
Firebase intro
Basic connection with DB
Day 5
Retrieving data from DB
Connecting it with existing code
Day 6
Making create calls to firestore
Completing the app with backend