Independent Study batch 5 Binar Academy - Backend Java Challenge 3 assignment - BinarFud
This is not a real-world project; this project is only for educational purposes.
- Shows menu with price
- Order menu
- Add quantity amount
- Multiple order menu
- Shows order detail
- Make receipt
- Java (version 8 or higher)
- Maven
- Git
Clone this repository first:
git clone [email protected]:solahkay/binar-bej-challenge.git
change the directory to the root of the project:
cd binar-bej-challenge
create branch challenge_3
git branch challenge_3
switch to branch challenge_3
git switch challenge_3
don't forget to pull the code in remote repository:
git pull origin challenge_3
and then the project are ready to use!
MENU ||--|| HAVE : is
Long id PK
String itemName
Integer price
ORDER ||--o{ HAVE : has
Integer total
Long totalAmount
Menu menu
Long id PK
For running this project, use command:
mvn exec:java
you can build this project with maven
mvn clean package
and then run the .jar
file in target folder:
java -jar target/binar-bej-challenge-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
graph RL
A[View] --> B[Service]
B --> C[Repository]
C --> D[Entity]
G[Dataimport] --> B
H[Generator] --> B
I[] --> A
CSV format
// replace without bracket
Nasi Goreng;15000
Mie Goreng;13000
Es Teh Manis;3000
Nasi + Ayam;18000
Es Campur;5000
The dataimport class will import the menu from menu.csv
and the service class will validate whether the menu already exists with the same name. If true, then skip adding.
The receipt.txt
file is created in the root project or the folder where you run the Java .jar
file after successfully placing the order.
Terima kasih sudah memesan
di BinarFud
Di bawah ini adalah pesanan anda
Nasi Goreng 21 315.000
Nasi + Ayam 2 36.000
Es Teh Manis 51 153.000
Es Campur 1 5.000
Total 75 509.000
Pembayaran : BinarCash
Simpan struk ini sebagai
bukti pembayaran