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Multiparam Typeclass version of categorical functors.
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This version is nice cause it collapes `Functor` and `FunctorOf` into
one class and it prevents overlapping instances when the same domain
and co-domain can yield multiple functors.

However, it also has more difficulty with instance resolution and
requires more type ascription/application.
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solomon-b committed Jan 30, 2024
1 parent 6195f1e commit 456be5d
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Showing 2 changed files with 266 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions monoidal-functors.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ library
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265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Functor/CategoricalV2.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | A scratchpad for implementing Iceland Jack and Ed Kmett's
-- categorical functor ideas.
-- If possible, this ought to give us a kind generic functor to
-- replace 'GBifunctor'.
-- We also ought to be able to use the same tricks to get a kind
-- generic Monoidal Functor class.
module Data.Functor.CategoricalV2 where


import Control.Category
import Control.Category.Tensor (Iso (..))
import Control.Monad qualified as Hask
import Data.Bifunctor qualified as Hask
import Data.Bool (Bool)
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Op (..), Predicate (..))
import Data.Functor.Contravariant qualified as Hask
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
import Data.Monoid (Endo (..))
import Data.Profunctor qualified as Hask
import Data.Semigroupoid
import Witherable qualified as Hask


class (Category dom, Category cod) => Functor (dom :: from -> from -> Type) (cod :: to -> to -> Type) (f :: from -> to) where
map :: dom a b -> cod (f a) (f b)

type Cat i = i -> i -> Type

type Nat :: Cat s -> Cat t -> Cat (s -> t)
data Nat source target f f' where
Nat :: (forall x. target (f x) (f' x)) -> Nat source target f f'

instance (Semigroupoid c1, Semigroupoid c2) => Semigroupoid (Nat c1 c2) where
o :: Nat c1 c2 j k1 -> Nat c1 c2 i j -> Nat c1 c2 i k1
Nat c1 `o` Nat c2 = Nat (c1 `o` c2)

instance (Semigroupoid c1, Semigroupoid c2, Category c1, Category c2) => Category (Nat c1 c2) where
id :: Nat c1 c2 a a
id = Nat id

(.) = o

type Endofunctor :: Cat ob -> (ob -> ob) -> Constraint
type Endofunctor cat = Functor cat cat


newtype FromFunctor f a = FromFunctor (f a)
deriving newtype (Hask.Functor)

instance (Hask.Functor f) => Functor (->) (->) (FromFunctor f) where
map :: (a -> b) -> FromFunctor f a -> FromFunctor f b
map = Hask.fmap

fmap :: (Functor (->) (->) f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap = map

deriving via (FromFunctor Identity) instance Functor (->) (->) Identity

deriving via (FromFunctor []) instance Functor (->) (->) []

deriving via (FromFunctor ((,) a)) instance Functor (->) (->) ((,) a)

deriving via (FromFunctor ((->) r)) instance Functor (->) (->) ((->) r)

deriving via (FromFunctor Maybe) instance Functor (->) (->) Maybe

deriving via (FromFunctor (Either e)) instance Functor (->) (->) (Either e)


newtype FromContra f a = FromContra {getContra :: f a}
deriving newtype (Hask.Contravariant)

instance (Hask.Contravariant f) => Functor Op (->) (FromContra f) where
map :: Op a b -> (FromContra f) a -> (FromContra f) b
map = Hask.contramap . getOp

contramap :: (Functor Op (->) f) => (a -> b) -> f b -> f a
contramap = map . Op

deriving via (FromContra Predicate) instance Functor Op (->) Predicate


type (<->) :: Cat Type
type (<->) = Iso (->)

instance Functor (<->) (->) Endo where
map :: (a <-> b) -> Endo a -> Endo b
map Iso {..} (Endo f) = Endo (fwd . f . bwd)

invmap :: (Functor (<->) (->) f) => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> f a -> f b
invmap f g = map (Iso f g)


newtype FromBifunctor f a b = FromBifunctor (f a b)
deriving newtype (Hask.Functor, Hask.Bifunctor)

instance (Hask.Bifunctor p, Functor (->) (->) (p x)) => Functor (->) (->) (FromBifunctor p x) where
map :: (a -> b) -> FromBifunctor p x a -> FromBifunctor p x b
map f (FromBifunctor pab) = FromBifunctor (map f pab)

instance (Hask.Bifunctor p, forall x. Functor (->) (->) (p x)) => Functor (->) (Nat (->) (->)) (FromBifunctor p) where
map :: (a -> b) -> (Nat (->) (->)) (FromBifunctor p a) (FromBifunctor p b)
map f = Nat (\(FromBifunctor pax) -> FromBifunctor (Hask.first f pax))

first :: forall p a b. (Functor (->) (Nat (->) (->)) p) => (a -> b) -> forall x. p a x -> p b x
first f = let (Nat f') = (map :: (a -> b) -> Nat (->) (->) (p a) (p b)) f in f'

second :: (Functor (->) (->) (p x)) => (a -> b) -> p x a -> p x b
second = fmap

bimap :: (Functor (->) (->) (p a), Functor (->) (Nat (->) (->)) p) => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
bimap f g = first f . second g

-- deriving via (FromBifunctor (,)) instance Functor (->) (Nat (->) (->)) (,)

instance Functor (->) (Nat (->) (->)) (,) where
map :: (a -> b) -> Nat (->) (->) ((,) a) ((,) b)
map f = Nat (Hask.first f)

instance Functor (->) (Nat (->) (->)) Either where
map :: (e -> e1) -> Nat (->) (->) (Either e) (Either e1)
map f = Nat (Hask.first f)


newtype FromProfunctor f a b = FromProfunctor (f a b)
deriving newtype (Hask.Functor, Hask.Profunctor)

instance (Hask.Profunctor p, Functor (->) (->) (p x)) => Functor (->) (->) (FromProfunctor p x) where
map :: (a -> b) -> FromProfunctor p x a -> FromProfunctor p x b
map f (FromProfunctor pxa) = FromProfunctor (map f pxa)

instance (Hask.Profunctor p) => Functor Op (Nat (->) (->)) (FromProfunctor p) where
map :: Op a b -> Nat (->) (->) ((FromProfunctor p) a) ((FromProfunctor p) b)
map (Op f) = Nat (\(FromProfunctor pax) -> FromProfunctor (Hask.lmap f pax))

lmap :: forall p a b. (Functor Op (Nat (->) (->)) p) => (a -> b) -> forall x. p b x -> p a x
lmap f = let (Nat f') = (map :: Op b a -> Nat (->) (->) (p b) (p a)) (Op f) in f'

rmap :: (Functor (->) (->) (f x)) => (a -> b) -> f x a -> f x b
rmap = fmap

dimap :: (Functor Op (Nat (->) (->)) p, forall x. Functor (->) (->) (p x)) => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
dimap f g = lmap f . rmap g

instance Functor Op (Nat (->) (->)) (->) where
map :: Op a b -> Nat (->) (->) ((->) a) ((->) b)
map (Op f) = Nat (. f)


newtype FromFilterable f a = FromFilterable (f a)
deriving newtype (Hask.Functor, Hask.Filterable)

instance (Hask.Filterable f) => Functor (Hask.Star Maybe) (->) (FromFilterable f) where
map :: Hask.Star Maybe a b -> FromFilterable f a -> FromFilterable f b
map (Hask.Star f) (FromFilterable fa) = FromFilterable (Hask.mapMaybe f fa)

mapMaybe :: (Functor (Hask.Star Maybe) (->) f) => (a -> Maybe b) -> f a -> f b
mapMaybe f = map (Hask.Star f)

catMaybes :: (Functor (Hask.Star Maybe) (->) f) => f (Maybe a) -> f a
catMaybes = map (Hask.Star id)

filter :: (Functor (Hask.Star Maybe) (->) f) => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> f a
filter f = map (Hask.Star (\a -> if f a then Just a else Nothing))

deriving via (FromFilterable []) instance Functor (Hask.Star Maybe) (->) []

deriving via (FromFilterable Maybe) instance Functor (Hask.Star Maybe) (->) Maybe

-- TODO:

type Trifunctor :: (Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
type Trifunctor = Functor (->) (Nat (->) (Nat (->) (->)))

instance Functor (->) (Nat (->) (Nat (->) (->))) (,,) where
map :: (a -> b) -> (Nat (->) (Nat (->) (->))) ((,,) a) ((,,) b)
map f = Nat (Nat (\(x, y, z) -> (f x, y, z)))

instance Functor (->) (Nat (->) (->)) ((,,) x) where
map :: (a -> b) -> Nat (->) (->) ((,,) x a) ((,,) x b)
map f = Nat (\(x, y, z) -> (x, f y, z))

deriving via FromFunctor ((,,) x y) instance Functor (->) (->) ((,,) x y)

tripleFirst :: (a -> b) -> (a, x, y) -> (b, x, y)
tripleFirst f = let (Nat (Nat f')) = (map :: (a -> b) -> Nat (->) (Nat (->) (->)) ((,,) a) ((,,) b)) f in f'

tripleSecond :: (a -> b) -> (x, a, z) -> (x, b, z)
tripleSecond f = let (Nat f') = (map :: (a -> b) -> Nat (->) (->) ((,,) x a) ((,,) x b)) f in f'

tripleThird :: (a -> b) -> (x, y, a) -> (x, y, b)
tripleThird = map

-- newtype Mealy m s i o = Mealy { runMealy :: s -> i -> m (o, s) }
-- deriving
-- (Hask.Functor, Hask.Applicative, Hask.Monad)
-- via Hask.StateT s (Hask.ReaderT i m)

-- deriving via (FromFunctor (Mealy m s i)) instance (Hask.Functor m) => Functor (Mealy m s i)

-- instance Functor (Mealy m s) where
-- type Dom (Mealy m s) = Op
-- type Cod (Mealy m s) = Nat (->) (->)

-- map :: Dom (Mealy m s) a b -> Cod (Mealy m s) (Mealy m s a) (Mealy m s b)
-- map = _


-- Some Ideal Interface

class Map1 dom cod f | f -> cod, f -> dom where
map1 :: dom a b -> cod (f a) (f b)

instance (Hask.Functor f) => Map1 (->) (->) (FromFunctor f) where
map1 f (FromFunctor fa) = FromFunctor (Hask.fmap f fa)

instance (Hask.Contravariant f) => Map1 Op (->) (FromContra f) where
map1 f (FromContra fa) = FromContra (Hask.contramap (getOp f) fa)

instance (Hask.Filterable f) => Map1 (Hask.Star Maybe) (->) (FromFilterable f) where
map1 :: Hask.Star Maybe a b -> FromFilterable f a -> FromFilterable f b
map1 (Hask.Star f) (FromFilterable fa) = FromFilterable (Hask.mapMaybe f fa)

instance (Hask.Bifunctor p) => Map1 (->) (->) (FromBifunctor p x) where
map1 :: (a -> b) -> FromBifunctor p x a -> FromBifunctor p x b
map1 f (FromBifunctor pab) = FromBifunctor (Hask.fmap f pab)

Check failure on line 250 in src/Data/Functor/CategoricalV2.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (3.6, 9.0.2)

• Could not deduce (Hask.Functor (p x))

Check failure on line 250 in src/Data/Functor/CategoricalV2.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (3.6, 9.2.8)

• Could not deduce (Hask.Functor (p x))

Check failure on line 250 in src/Data/Functor/CategoricalV2.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (3.10, 9.0.2)

• Could not deduce (Hask.Functor (p x))

Check failure on line 250 in src/Data/Functor/CategoricalV2.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / build (3.10, 9.2.8)

• Could not deduce (Hask.Functor (p x))

instance (Hask.Profunctor p) => Map1 (->) (->) (FromProfunctor p x) where
map1 f (FromProfunctor pab) = FromProfunctor (Hask.rmap f pab)

class Map2 dom cod f where
map2 :: dom a b -> cod (f a x) (f b x)

instance (Hask.Bifunctor p) => Map1 (->) (Nat (->) (->)) (FromBifunctor p) where
map1 f = Nat (\(FromBifunctor pab) -> FromBifunctor (Hask.first f pab))

instance (Hask.Profunctor p) => Map1 Op (Nat (->) (->)) (FromProfunctor p) where
map1 f = Nat (\(FromProfunctor pab) -> FromProfunctor (Hask.lmap (getOp f) pab))

class Map3 dom cod f where
map3 :: dom a b -> cod (f a x y) (f b x y)

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