All of the dot files and configurations for the Pink Gruvbox i3 theme.
Custom GTK Theme
- i3 [WM]
- Edge Custom Theme [browser]
- Discord [Chat]
- Gruvbox Pink theme Dark [GTK3]
- Custom Terminal Colors [zsh/Kitty]
- Wal: VSCode theme [code editor]
Clone this repository
git clone
Install pywal ->
Copy the configurations to your .config
directory present in the home dir.
cp -r .config/* ~/.config/
Copy the gruvbox-pink-gtk
folder to ~/.themes/
. Create this directory if it doesn't already exist.
Then use lxappearance to set the theme
sudo apt install lxappearance -y
To use the vscode theme as shown in the screenshot, first set your wallpaper to wall.jpg
# install feh
yay -S feh
sudo apt install feh -y
feh --bg-set /path/to/wall.jpg
And then run pywal -i /path/to/wall.jpg
Install this VSCode plugin-
Reopen VSCode and then it should automatically pick up on the generated theme.
Check out this repository to download the chrome theme
First install BetterDiscord from here - Make sure to set as executable before running it. You can do so like this if you use nautilus.
Once you have it installed, open the betterdiscord themes directory and place pink-gruvbox.theme.css
in it.
cp pink-gruvbox ~/.config/BetterDiscord/blob_storage/themes
And you are done I suppose.
Font Name | Usage | Download |
Hack | Terminal Font | |
Google Sans Display | Polybar Text | |
FontAwesome | Polybar Icons | |
FiraCode Nerd Font | Polybar Icons | |
Droid Sans Mono Nerd Font | Polybar Icons | |