The Jakarta Data project, a part of the Jakarta EE ecosystem, aims to simplify the development of data-centric applications by providing a standard API for accessing and manipulating data from various sources. As with any standard, the Jakarta Data project requires a Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) to ensure compliance and interoperability among different implementations. This document presents a proposal for the Jakarta Data TCK, focusing on delegating Dependency Injection (DI) and annotations to the vendors.
This moment, be free to use either the entity’s implementation annotation and the repository supplier.
//vendor annotations
public class BookAnyVendor implements Book {
public interface Library extends CrudRepository<BookAnyVendor, String> {
On this step implement the classes to create the entity and the DI engine.
public class BookVendorSupplier implements BookSupplier {
public class DISupplier implements ContainerSupplier {
Include these suppliers at the maven test: