🚀 Atlas Logs is a powerful geolocation-based application that allows users to pin locations, save coordinates, and visualize them on interactive maps. Built with React, it provides a seamless way to track and manage locations using the Geolocation API and Leaflet for map rendering.
✅ Pin & Save Locations 📍 - Add custom locations and save them for later reference.
✅ Interactive Maps 🗺️ - View pinned locations with Leaflet.js integration.
✅ Real-Time Geolocation 📡 - Fetch and display real-time user coordinates.
✅ Modern UI 🎨 - Styled with TailwindCSS for a sleek and responsive design.
✅ Seamless Navigation 🔄 - Built-in React Router DOM for smooth routing.
- Frontend: React.js, TailwindCSS
- Maps & Geolocation: Leaflet, Geolocation API
- Routing: React Router DOM
Follow these steps to run Atlas Logs locally:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/atlas-logs.git
cd atlas-logs
yarn install # or npm install
yarn dev # or npm run dev
Now, open http://localhost:5173 in your browser.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
💡 Built with ❤️ by Sourav