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Sourav K edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 3 revisions

Command formats

Poll .poll question/Do you love me?,button/Tap me!,option/Yeah 😘,option/Nope 😏

Osend .osend jid;image;image;target_link;text;text (Any links can be used as target link)

Usend .usend jid;image;image;target_link;text;text;text (Target link only for media previews)

Obc .obc bc_name;image;image;media_target_link;text;text;text (For bc_name, you must create broadcast lists first!)

Creating broadcast lists

For creating broadcast lists, you must provide a list of jids and a name. You can get complete jids by using .getjids group or pm .newbc Name,jid jid jid jid.... (Use this name for obc and bc)

Take keys

Take keys can be used to change sticker metadata and other webp related commands. These keys are unlimited so, use can use one of these below:





Set them using .setvar TAKE_KEY:

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