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Enum implementation for Laravel. Based on eloquent/enumeration and inspired by bensampo/laravel-enum


  • Key/value-definition via class constants
  • Full featured suite of methods
  • Enum artisan generator
  • Validation rules for passing enum values as input parameters
  • Localization support
  • Support to give enum Members a weight
  • Extensible

Table of Contents


  • Laravel 8.0 or newer;
  • PHP 7.3 or newer


Via Composer

composer require sourceboat/laravel-enumeration

Generating enums

php artisan make:enum UserType


Given the following enum:


namespace App\Enums;

use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Enumeration;

 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Administrator() // These are only for autocompletion etc.
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Moderator()
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Subscriber()
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType SuperAdministrator()
final class UserType extends Enumeration
    const Administrator = 0;
    const Moderator = 1;
    const Subscriber = 2;
    const SuperAdministrator = 3;

Values can now be accessed like so:

UserType::Moderator() // Returns an instance of UserType with UserType::Moderator()->value === 1


static keys(): array

Returns an array of the keys for an enumeration.

UserType::keys(); // Returns ['Administrator', 'Moderator', 'Subscriber', 'SuperAdministrator']

static values(): array

Returns an array of the values for an enum.

UserType::values(); // Returns [0, 1, 2, 3]

key(): string

Returns the key for the given enum value.

UserType::Moderator()->key(); // Returns 'Moderator'

value(): mixed

Returns the value for the given enum key.

UserType::Moderator()->value(); // Returns 1

localized(): string

Returns the localized version of the value, default path is enums.<EnumClass>.<EnumValue>, path can be overridden by setting protected static $localizationPath.

UserType::SuperAdministrator()->localized(); // Returns for example 'Super Administrator', but `enums.App\Enums\UserType.3` when not set.

is(static): bool

Check if the instance is equal to the given member.

UserType::SuperAdministrator()->is(UserType::Moderator()); // -> false
UserType::SuperAdministrator()->is(UserType::SuperAdministrator()); // -> true

is<Enum_Value>(): bool

Check if the instance is equal to the member indicated by the method name.

UserType::SuperAdministrator()->isModerator(); // -> false
UserType::SuperAdministrator()->isSuperAdministrator(); // -> true
UserType::SuperAdministrator()->isStudent(); // -> throws Eloquent\Enumeration\Exception\UndefinedMemberException

static randomMember(): static

Returns a random member from the enum. Useful for factories.

UserType::randomMember(); // Returns Administrator(), Moderator(), Subscriber() or SuperAdministrator()

static defaultMember(): static

Returns the default member for the enum. This function defaults to the first member of the enum when not overridden.

UserType::defaultMember(); // Returns Administrator()

static membersByBlacklist(?array): array

Returns all members except the ones given.

UserType::membersByBlacklist([UserType::Moderator()]); // Returns Administrator(), Subscriber() and SuperAdministrator()

static toSelectArray(?array): array

Returns the enum for use in a select as value => key. It is also possible to set an optional blacklist-parameter to filter the returned values.

UserType::toSelectArray(); // Returns [0 => 'Administrator', 1 => 'Moderator', 2 => 'Subscriber', 3 => 'SuperAdministrator']

toLocalizedSelectArray(?array): array

Returns the enum for use in a select as value => localizedValue, where localizedValue is localized using ->localized(). Like toSelectArray it is possible to set an optional blacklist-parameter to filter the returned values.

UserType::toLocalizedSelectArray(); // Returns [0 => 'Administrator', 1 => 'Moderator', 2 => 'Subscriber', 3 => 'Super Administrator']


Array Validation

You may validate that a value passed to a controller is a valid value for a given enum by using the EnumerationValue rule, for easier handling there are helper methods for creating the rule: Enumeration::makeRule(), Enumeration::makeRuleWithWhitelist($whitelist) and Enumeration::makeRuleWithBlacklist($blacklist).

public function store(Request $request)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'user_type' => [
            UserType::makeRule(), // Allows all enumeration values
public function store(Request $request)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'user_type' => [
            UserType::makeRuleWithWhitelist([UserType::Moderator(), UserType::Subscriber()]), // allows only the values `1` and `2`
public function store(Request $request)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'user_type' => [
            UserType::makeRuleWithBlacklist([UserType::SuperAdministrator(), UserType::Administrator()]), // allows all values but the values `0` and `3`


You can translate the strings returned by the localized methods using Laravel's built in localization features.

Add a new enums.php keys file for each of your supported languages. In this example there is one for English and one for Danish.

// resources/lang/en/enums.php

use App\Enums\UserType;

return [

    UserType::class => [
        UserType::Moderator => 'Moderator',

// resources/lang/da/enums.php
use App\Enums\UserType;

return [

    UserType::class => [
        UserType::Moderator => 'studievært',


Custom Cast

You can use the Enum custom cast to enable automatic casting of properties to enums. When used, it will set the property to the default members value when set to an invalid value, same goes when the initial value is invalid when getting it, it will return the default member.


namespace App\Models;

use App\Enums\UserType;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Casts\Enum;

class User extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'type' => Enums::class . ':' . UserType::class,

By default the custom cast treats the property as nullable, meaning that the property can be set to null and also return it, instead of an enum member, this can the disabled on an per property basis:


namespace App\Models;

use App\Enums\UserType;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Casts\Enum;

class User extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'type' => Enums::class . ':' . UserType::class . ',0', // appending the 0 means it is not nullable,
    ];                                                         // this seems counter intuitive, but thats the way it is recognized as `false`,
}                                                              // as `false` is somehow evaluated as `true`.

If the casted attribute is not set to be nullable and/or has a value not represented by the enum, you will get the default member of the enum when accessing the attribute.

// For example when the value has been changed manually in the database. Let's say the type is `10`.
$type = $user->type

// Then the following will be the case:

echo $type === UserType::defaultMember(); // "true"
echo $type->value; // "0"

Since Laravel 7.5 and version 2.1 of this package it is also possible to use the enum itself as cast type hint, but beware that null is always an allowed value.


namespace App\Models;

use App\Enums\UserType;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'type' => UserType::class, 

Weighted Enums

It is Possible to define weights for enum members. the standard way is to define the weights a config file and them implement the Weighted-interface with the IsWeighted-trait and define the path to your config. The weights can be defined as integer or float values.

// The Enum

namespace App\Enums;

use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Enumeration;
use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Enums\Interfaces\Weighted;
use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Enums\Traits\IsWeighted;

 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Administrator() // These are only for autocompletion etc.
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Moderator()
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Subscriber()
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType SuperAdministrator()
final class UserType extends Enumeration implements Weighted
    use IsWeighted;

    const Administrator = 0;
    const Moderator = 1;
    const Subscriber = 2;
    const SuperAdministrator = 3;

For further customization the Weighted::weight(): int|float-method can be overridden to use your own way of defining the weights.

The following methods for comparing weighted enum members are available:

  • Weighted::isGreaterThan(Weighted): bool
  • Weighted::isGreaterThanOrEuqalTo(Weighted): bool
  • Weighted::isEuqalTo(Weighted): bool
  • Weighted::isLessThanOrEqualTo(Weighted): bool
  • Weighted::isLessThan(Weighted): bool

The following methods for filtering the enum are available:

  • Weighted::getMembersGreaterThanThis(): array<Weighted>
  • Weighted::getMembersGreaterThanOrEqualToThis(): array<Weighted>
  • Weighted::getMembersEqualToThis(): array<Weighted>
  • Weighted::getMembersLessThanOrEqualToThis(): array<Weighted>
  • Weighted::getMembersLessThanThis(): array<Weighted>
  • static Weighted::getMembersGreaterThan(Weighted): array<Weighted>
  • static Weighted::getMembersGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Weighted): array<Weighted>
  • static Weighted::getMembersEqualTo(Weighted): array<Weighted>
  • static Weighted::getMembersLessThanOrEqualTo(Weighted): array<Weighted>
  • static Weighted::getMembersLessThan(Weighted): array<Weighted>
  • static Weighted::getMembersBetween(Weighted $lowerMember, Weighted $higherMember): array<Weighted>
  • static Weighted::getMembersBetweenOrEqualTo(Weighted $lowerMember, Weighted $higherMember): array<Weighted>

Model-trait HasWeightedEnumScopes

With the model trait HasWeightedEnumsScopes you can easily search for models with enum values greater than one or between two other enum value, even with string values.

Available scopes:

  • whereGreaterThanEnum(string $attribute, Weighted $member)
  • whereGreaterThanOrEqualToEnum(string $attribute, Weighted $member)
  • whereEqualToEnum(string $attribute, Weighted $member)
  • whereLessThanOrEqualToEnum(string $attribute, Weighted $member)
  • whereLessThanEnum(string $attribute, Weighted $member)
  • whereBetweenEnum(string $attribute, Weighted $lowerMember, Weighted $higherMember)
  • whereBetweenOrEqualEnum(string $attribute, Weighted $lowerMember, Weighted $higherMember)

Configurable Enums

It is possible to define config values for enums and access them without defining the whole path, but a logical part of it. The default path for the configuration is: enums.<enum class>.<given key>.<enum value>

For example:

// The Enum

namespace App\Enums;

use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Enumeration;
use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Enums\Interfaces\Configurable;
use Sourceboat\Enumeration\Enums\Traits\IsConfigurable;

 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Administrator()
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Moderator()
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType Subscriber()
 * @method static \App\Enums\UserType SuperAdministrator()
final class UserType extends Enumeration implements Configurable
    use IsConfigurable;

    const Administrator = 0;
    const Moderator = 1;
    const Subscriber = 2;
    const SuperAdministrator = 3;
// enums.php
use App\Enums\UserType;

return [
    UserType::class => [
        'permissions' => [
            UserType::Administrator => [
            UserType::Subscriber => [

then you can access these values by:

UserType::Subscriber()->config('permissions'); // which return the given array.
UserType::Moderator()->config('permissions', ['thread.foreign.archive']); // you can also define a default value.

License information

Much of the functionality in this Package is inspired by bensampo/laravel-enum and some code has been taken from it and modified, for example the MakeEnumCommand.php, the EnumServiceProvider.php and this readme. Some code has been copied from eloquent/enumeration, as at first this package build upon it, but due to depending only on a fraction of functionality we concluded it would be better to internalize the code that we used.

This package is also licensed under the MIT license.