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User stories

Monika Smolarek edited this page Oct 10, 2023 · 6 revisions

In this wiki section, we are collecting user stories to be able to easily test them before releasing a new version of Smapp.

To make different scenarios clear, user stories should be divided by the User roles. It makes more sense, in areas where some roles overlap. For example, the transaction log for Smesher and User will contain a bit different set of possible data.

However, if some of the User stories are related to more than one Role, please specify the "simplest" one.

Check out the User roles below.


  • all kinds of roles will unlock the wallet β€” define such a user story under the Smapper role.
  • both Smesher and Node-runner may want to check out node logs β€” define it under the Node-runner role

User Story template

Title: As Role, I want to...
<Examples: As Smesher I want to check out when I started getting rewards / As User I want to send coins to another address>

1. I open screen X
2. Click on button Y
3. Scroll down to Z

Expected result:
Describe how the User will understand that he gets the desired result

A common user, that uses Smapp to do some transactions or check the balance

As Smapper, I want to...

A User, who runs the local node. Such users will surely interact with the local node, might need to check Node logs and etc. Besides this, the node-runner can run the node without smashing..

As Node-runner, I want to...

A User, who runs the local node and sets up smeshing to participate in the network decentralization and get rewards for it.

As Smesher, I want to...

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