Releases: spectrocloud/cluster-api-provider-maas
Releases · spectrocloud/cluster-api-provider-maas
Draft for v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Fix FIPS release by @sadysnaat in #115
- Bump cluster-api to 1.7.2 and controller-runtime to 0.17.3 by @snehala27 in #149
New Contributors
- @snehala27 made their first contribution in #149
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v1.9.4
Release v4.1.0-spectro
Release version v4.1.0-spectro
What's Changed
- Updated readme and image-generation doc by @AmitSahastra in #72
- Update image generation README by @jayesh-srivastava in #74
- release github action by @seemadurrani in #84
- cert manager version changes by @AmitSahastra in #94
- Fix cluster template by @AmitSahastra in #106
- Update 0.5.0 by @AmitSahastra in #107
- Add feature for resource pool and tag selection. by @AmitSahastra in #108
- Update cluster template for tags by @AmitSahastra in #110
- hello world readme by @AmitSahastra in #111
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
Release v4.0.1-spectro
Release version 4.0.1
Release v4.0.0-spectro
Release version 4.0.0
Commit: upgrade maas provider to v1beta1
commit: cluster-api-provider-maas-controller vulnerability fix
Commit: cluster-api-provider-maas vulnerability fix
Commit: reconcile deployed machine power status
- Commit: Merge branch 'main' of into main; author: zulfilee
- Commit: v1alpha4 webhook support (#18); author: GitHub
- Commit: custom image upload instructions (#24); author: GitHub
- Commit: Merge branch 'main' of into main; author: zulfilee
- Commit: more info (#22); author: GitHub
- Commit: add link to webinar (#21); author: GitHub
- Commit: add link to (#20); author: GitHub
- Commit: example cleanup (#17); author: GitHub
- Commit: fix example yaml (#16); author: GitHub
- Commit: doc fix (#15); author: GitHub
- Commit: change to link (#14); author: GitHub
- Commit: add image generation steps (#13); author: GitHub
- Commit: changelog addition; author: zulfilee
- Commit: Fix release path for MAAS; author: zulfilee
Version v0.1.1
Tue Aug 10 05:40:00 UTC 2021
- Commit: Fix release path for MAAS; author: zulfilee
- Commit: Merge branch 'main' of into main; author: zulfilee
- Commit: dns record use uuid in domain name (#10); author: GitHub
- Commit: Merge branch 'main' of into main; author: zulfilee
- Commit: Release V0.1.0; author: zulfilee