Below is an example using the Spin SDK. The application is a simple market maker or grid bot. Some examples of application settings and configuration can be found in the config folder.
This is experimental software. Nobody is responsible for your actions. Use at your own risk.
You will need the account_id
and private key
of your NEAR account. You can obtain them using near-cli.
Login to your testnet
NEAR account:
near login
Login to your mainnet
NEAR account:
NEAR_ENV=mainnet near login
Open the wallet file on your local machine:
cd ~/.near-credentials
cd testnet
# or
cd mainnet
cat YOUR_WALLET.json
Copy account_id
and private_key
values to the config file:
"account_id": "example.testnet",
"public_key": "ed25519:...",
"private_key": "ed25519:..."
You need to deposit funds to be managed by the bot.
- Use the DEX UI — for
or formainnet
. Read more about trading on Spin here. - Use contract methods via near-cli at
Config schema can be found in src/configs/config.ts
// value from your wallet
"account_id": "",
// value from your wallet
"private_key": "",
// NEAR network: testnet, mainnet
"network": "testnet",
// Use Spin batchOps method for placing and canceling orders: boolean
"batched": false,
// Market type: spot, perp
"market": "spot",
// Grid settings
"grid": {
// Spin market id:
"market_id": 1,
// For NEAR/USDC market:
// NEAR — base_token
// USDC — quote_token
// Max usage of base token in human readeble format
// If 0 use all funds
"max_base": 1500,
// Max usage of quote token in human readeble format
// If 0 use all funds.
"max_quote": 100000,
// Max usage of base and quote assets as a percentage * 100
// 0 = 0%, .5 = 50%, 1 = 100%
"inventory_usage": 1,
// Bid Ask Spread as a percentage
// 0 = 0%, .5 = 0.5%, 1 = 1%, 20 = 20%, etc.
"spread": 0.5,
// Amount of levels for each side
"levels": 3,
// Difference between levels
"levels_step": 0.01,
// Reallocation of order size to one side
// Min: -0.999, max: 0.999
"size_reversal": 0.8
// Price watch settings
"price": {
// Use predefined settings:
// ref, binance, ftx
"source": "ref",
// For ref source use pool id:
// For binance, ftx: use ticker from exchange.
"source_ticker": "3",
// Price sync trigger, ms
"source_check_interval": 2000,
// Price change trigger.
// 0 = 0%, .5 = 0.5%, 1 = 1%, 20 = 20%, etc.
"trigger": 0.5
"trigger": {
// 'none', 'levels', 'percent'
"trigger_strategy": "none",
// number
"levels_trigger": 1,
// 0 = 0%, .5 = 0.5%, 1 = 1%, 20 = 20%, etc.
"percent_trigger": 0.1,
// Trigger check interval, ms
"trigger_check_interval": 5000
Install dependencies:
npm install
Development mode:
npm run dev
npm run build
# or
npm run build:release
# then
npm run start
Build image:
docker build . -t example_image_name
docker run -it example_image_name
Run with custom config (create example.json
file in config folder):
docker run -it example_image_name -e CONFIG_FILE example.json
See example in docker-compose.yml