Run this container to get a default Graphite datasource linked with the default dashboards.
The following environment variables can be set:
- GF_USER - Grafana user that has privileges to setup dashboards & datasources (default: sitespeedio)
- GF_PASSWORD - password for the Grafana user (default: hdeAga76VG6ga7plZ1)
- GF_API - path to the Grafana API (default: "http://grafana:3000/api").
- BACKEND - Choose between graphite or influxdb (default: graphite)
Example: docker run -it --link graphite_grafana_1:grafana --network graphite_default sitespeedio_dashboards
- Export JSON from Grafana (see Grafana Doc) and put it in the /dashboards folder
- Rebuild the container
docker build -t sitespeedio_dashboards .
- Run the container
docker run -it --link <name of your grafana container>:grafana --network <name of your grafana network> sitespeedio_dashboards