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395 lines (267 loc) · 17.6 KB

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395 lines (267 loc) · 17.6 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
AppPriceSchedulesAutomaticPricesGetToManyRelated Get /v1/appPriceSchedules/{id}/automaticPrices
AppPriceSchedulesBaseTerritoryGetToOneRelated Get /v1/appPriceSchedules/{id}/baseTerritory
AppPriceSchedulesCreateInstance Post /v1/appPriceSchedules
AppPriceSchedulesGetInstance Get /v1/appPriceSchedules/{id}
AppPriceSchedulesManualPricesGetToManyRelated Get /v1/appPriceSchedules/{id}/manualPrices


AppPricesV2Response AppPriceSchedulesAutomaticPricesGetToManyRelated(ctx, id).FilterStartDate(filterStartDate).FilterEndDate(filterEndDate).FilterTerritory(filterTerritory).FieldsAppPrices(fieldsAppPrices).FieldsAppPricePoints(fieldsAppPricePoints).FieldsTerritories(fieldsTerritories).Limit(limit).Include(include).Execute()


package main

import (
	openapiclient ""

func main() {
	id := "id_example" // string | the id of the requested resource
	filterStartDate := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | filter by attribute 'startDate' (optional)
	filterEndDate := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | filter by attribute 'endDate' (optional)
	filterTerritory := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | filter by id(s) of related 'territory' (optional)
	fieldsAppPrices := []string{"FieldsAppPrices_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPrices (optional)
	fieldsAppPricePoints := []string{"FieldsAppPricePoints_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPricePoints (optional)
	fieldsTerritories := []string{"FieldsTerritories_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories (optional)
	limit := int32(56) // int32 | maximum resources per page (optional)
	include := []string{"Include_example"} // []string | comma-separated list of relationships to include (optional)

	configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
	apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
	resp, r, err := apiClient.AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesAutomaticPricesGetToManyRelated(context.Background(), id).FilterStartDate(filterStartDate).FilterEndDate(filterEndDate).FilterTerritory(filterTerritory).FieldsAppPrices(fieldsAppPrices).FieldsAppPricePoints(fieldsAppPricePoints).FieldsTerritories(fieldsTerritories).Limit(limit).Include(include).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesAutomaticPricesGetToManyRelated``: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
	// response from `AppPriceSchedulesAutomaticPricesGetToManyRelated`: AppPricesV2Response
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesAutomaticPricesGetToManyRelated`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
id string the id of the requested resource

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiAppPriceSchedulesAutomaticPricesGetToManyRelatedRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

filterStartDate | []string | filter by attribute 'startDate' | filterEndDate | []string | filter by attribute 'endDate' | filterTerritory | []string | filter by id(s) of related 'territory' | fieldsAppPrices | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPrices | fieldsAppPricePoints | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPricePoints | fieldsTerritories | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories | limit | int32 | maximum resources per page | include | []string | comma-separated list of relationships to include |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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TerritoryResponse AppPriceSchedulesBaseTerritoryGetToOneRelated(ctx, id).FieldsTerritories(fieldsTerritories).Execute()


package main

import (
	openapiclient ""

func main() {
	id := "id_example" // string | the id of the requested resource
	fieldsTerritories := []string{"FieldsTerritories_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories (optional)

	configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
	apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
	resp, r, err := apiClient.AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesBaseTerritoryGetToOneRelated(context.Background(), id).FieldsTerritories(fieldsTerritories).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesBaseTerritoryGetToOneRelated``: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
	// response from `AppPriceSchedulesBaseTerritoryGetToOneRelated`: TerritoryResponse
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesBaseTerritoryGetToOneRelated`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
id string the id of the requested resource

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiAppPriceSchedulesBaseTerritoryGetToOneRelatedRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

fieldsTerritories | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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AppPriceScheduleResponse AppPriceSchedulesCreateInstance(ctx).AppPriceScheduleCreateRequest(appPriceScheduleCreateRequest).Execute()


package main

import (
	openapiclient ""

func main() {
	appPriceScheduleCreateRequest := *openapiclient.NewAppPriceScheduleCreateRequest(*openapiclient.NewAppPriceScheduleCreateRequestData("Type_example", *openapiclient.NewAppPriceScheduleCreateRequestDataRelationships(*openapiclient.NewAnalyticsReportRequestCreateRequestDataRelationshipsApp(*openapiclient.NewAlternativeDistributionKeyCreateRequestDataRelationshipsAppData("Type_example", "Id_example")), *openapiclient.NewAppPriceScheduleCreateRequestDataRelationshipsBaseTerritory(*openapiclient.NewAppAvailabilityRelationshipsAvailableTerritoriesDataInner("Type_example", "Id_example")), *openapiclient.NewAppPriceScheduleCreateRequestDataRelationshipsManualPrices([]openapiclient.AppPriceScheduleRelationshipsManualPricesDataInner{*openapiclient.NewAppPriceScheduleRelationshipsManualPricesDataInner("Type_example", "Id_example")})))) // AppPriceScheduleCreateRequest | AppPriceSchedule representation

	configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
	apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
	resp, r, err := apiClient.AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesCreateInstance(context.Background()).AppPriceScheduleCreateRequest(appPriceScheduleCreateRequest).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesCreateInstance``: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
	// response from `AppPriceSchedulesCreateInstance`: AppPriceScheduleResponse
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesCreateInstance`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiAppPriceSchedulesCreateInstanceRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
appPriceScheduleCreateRequest AppPriceScheduleCreateRequest AppPriceSchedule representation

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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AppPriceScheduleResponse AppPriceSchedulesGetInstance(ctx, id).FieldsAppPriceSchedules(fieldsAppPriceSchedules).FieldsTerritories(fieldsTerritories).FieldsAppPrices(fieldsAppPrices).Include(include).LimitAutomaticPrices(limitAutomaticPrices).LimitManualPrices(limitManualPrices).Execute()


package main

import (
	openapiclient ""

func main() {
	id := "id_example" // string | the id of the requested resource
	fieldsAppPriceSchedules := []string{"FieldsAppPriceSchedules_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPriceSchedules (optional)
	fieldsTerritories := []string{"FieldsTerritories_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories (optional)
	fieldsAppPrices := []string{"FieldsAppPrices_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPrices (optional)
	include := []string{"Include_example"} // []string | comma-separated list of relationships to include (optional)
	limitAutomaticPrices := int32(56) // int32 | maximum number of related automaticPrices returned (when they are included) (optional)
	limitManualPrices := int32(56) // int32 | maximum number of related manualPrices returned (when they are included) (optional)

	configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
	apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
	resp, r, err := apiClient.AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesGetInstance(context.Background(), id).FieldsAppPriceSchedules(fieldsAppPriceSchedules).FieldsTerritories(fieldsTerritories).FieldsAppPrices(fieldsAppPrices).Include(include).LimitAutomaticPrices(limitAutomaticPrices).LimitManualPrices(limitManualPrices).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesGetInstance``: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
	// response from `AppPriceSchedulesGetInstance`: AppPriceScheduleResponse
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesGetInstance`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
id string the id of the requested resource

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiAppPriceSchedulesGetInstanceRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

fieldsAppPriceSchedules | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPriceSchedules | fieldsTerritories | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories | fieldsAppPrices | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPrices | include | []string | comma-separated list of relationships to include | limitAutomaticPrices | int32 | maximum number of related automaticPrices returned (when they are included) | limitManualPrices | int32 | maximum number of related manualPrices returned (when they are included) |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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AppPricesV2Response AppPriceSchedulesManualPricesGetToManyRelated(ctx, id).FilterStartDate(filterStartDate).FilterEndDate(filterEndDate).FilterTerritory(filterTerritory).FieldsAppPrices(fieldsAppPrices).FieldsAppPricePoints(fieldsAppPricePoints).FieldsTerritories(fieldsTerritories).Limit(limit).Include(include).Execute()


package main

import (
	openapiclient ""

func main() {
	id := "id_example" // string | the id of the requested resource
	filterStartDate := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | filter by attribute 'startDate' (optional)
	filterEndDate := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | filter by attribute 'endDate' (optional)
	filterTerritory := []string{"Inner_example"} // []string | filter by id(s) of related 'territory' (optional)
	fieldsAppPrices := []string{"FieldsAppPrices_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPrices (optional)
	fieldsAppPricePoints := []string{"FieldsAppPricePoints_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPricePoints (optional)
	fieldsTerritories := []string{"FieldsTerritories_example"} // []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories (optional)
	limit := int32(56) // int32 | maximum resources per page (optional)
	include := []string{"Include_example"} // []string | comma-separated list of relationships to include (optional)

	configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
	apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
	resp, r, err := apiClient.AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesManualPricesGetToManyRelated(context.Background(), id).FilterStartDate(filterStartDate).FilterEndDate(filterEndDate).FilterTerritory(filterTerritory).FieldsAppPrices(fieldsAppPrices).FieldsAppPricePoints(fieldsAppPricePoints).FieldsTerritories(fieldsTerritories).Limit(limit).Include(include).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesManualPricesGetToManyRelated``: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
	// response from `AppPriceSchedulesManualPricesGetToManyRelated`: AppPricesV2Response
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `AppPriceSchedulesAPI.AppPriceSchedulesManualPricesGetToManyRelated`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
id string the id of the requested resource

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiAppPriceSchedulesManualPricesGetToManyRelatedRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes

filterStartDate | []string | filter by attribute 'startDate' | filterEndDate | []string | filter by attribute 'endDate' | filterTerritory | []string | filter by id(s) of related 'territory' | fieldsAppPrices | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPrices | fieldsAppPricePoints | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type appPricePoints | fieldsTerritories | []string | the fields to include for returned resources of type territories | limit | int32 | maximum resources per page | include | []string | comma-separated list of relationships to include |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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