In this release, I've added support for sending an array of cosmwasm_std::CosmosMsg
to the contract for it to be converted to an ICA transaction. In CosmWasm contracts, CosmosMsg
s are used to execute transactions on the chain that the contract is deployed on. In this contract, we use CosmosMsgs to execute transactions on the counterparty chain. This is done by converting the CosmosMsg
s to an ICA tx based on the encoding of the channel. The ICA tx is then sent to the host chain.
As a sidenote, I've submitted an application to the Injective hackathon that uses this project as a dependency. My build is an NFT collection where each NFT controls an account on the counterparty chain, this is the demo video. Please upvote the build if you can (you can login to dorahacks through github)
Other Changes
This admin management of this contract is now using cw-ownable
from cw-plus-plus.